2-(L-Phenylalanine)-8-L-lysinevasopressin | dosage | Felypressin; Felipresina [INN-Spanish]; Felipressina [DCIT]; Felypressin [USAN:BAN:INN]; Felypressine [INN-French]; Felypressinum [INN-Latin]; Octapressin |
3-Isoleucyl vasopressin | dosage | Vasopressin; Arginine oxytocin; Arginine vasotocin; Argiprestocin; Pitressin tannate; Vasopressin, isoleucyl; Vasopressin, non-mammalian; Vasotocin; Pitressin; Pressyn |
ADROP | dosage | Epinephrine; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
AK-Dilate | dosage | Adrianol; Phenylephrine; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
AK-Nefrin | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; Phenylephrine; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Adnephrine | dosage | ADROP; Epinephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenal | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Epinephrine; Epinephrinein; Epinephrinein Chloride; Epinephrinein in Oil; Epinephrinein-Medihaler; Epinephrineina [Dcit]; Epinephrineine; Epinephrineine/Epinephrine; Epinephrineinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Epinephrineine; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Epinephrinein; L-Epinephrineine; L-Epinephrineine Base; L-Epinephrineine Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenalin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Epinephrine; Epinephrine Chloride; Epinephrine in Oil; Epinephrine-Medihaler; Epinephrinea [Dcit]; Epinephrinee; Epinephrinee/Epinephrine; Epinephrineum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Epinephrinee; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Epinephrine; L-Epinephrinee; L-Epinephrinee Base; L-Epinephrinee Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenalin Chloride | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Epinephrine; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenalin in Oil | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Epinephrine; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenalin-Medihaler | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Epinephrine; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenalina [Dcit] | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Epinephrine; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenaline | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Epinephrine; Epinephrine/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Epinephrine; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Epinephrine; L-Epinephrine Base; L-Epinephrine Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenaline/Epinephrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenalinum | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Epinephrine; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenamine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Epinephrine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenan | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Epinephrine; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenapax | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Epinephrine; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenasol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Epinephrine; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenatrate | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Epinephrine; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Epinephrine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenodis | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Epinephrine; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenohorma | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Epinephrine; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenor | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Epinephrine; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenosan | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Epinephrine; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrenutol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Epinephrine; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrianol | dosage | Phenylephrine; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Adrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Epinephrine; Epinephrinee; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Adrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Epinephrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Afrinol | dosage | Pseudoephedrine; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Agit | dosage | Dihydroergotamine; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Aktamin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Epinephrine; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Alcon Efrin | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Phenylephrine; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12 | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Phenylephrine; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25 | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Phenylephrine; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50 | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Phenylephrine; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25 | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Phenylephrine; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Almotriptan | Tablet | Axert; Eletriptan |
Amerge | dosage | Naratriptan |
Ana-Guard | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Epinephrine; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Angionorm | dosage | Agit; Dihydroergotamine; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Antiasthmatique | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Epinephrine; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Aramine | dosage | Metaraminol; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Pressorol |
Arginine oxytocin | dosage | 3-Isoleucyl vasopressin; Vasopressin; Arginine vasotocin; Argiprestocin; Pitressin tannate; Vasopressin, isoleucyl; Vasopressin, non-mammalian; Vasotocin; Pitressin; Pressyn |
Arginine vasotocin | dosage | 3-Isoleucyl vasopressin; Arginine oxytocin; Vasopressin; Argiprestocin; Pitressin tannate; Vasopressin, isoleucyl; Vasopressin, non-mammalian; Vasotocin; Pitressin; Pressyn |
Argiprestocin | dosage | 3-Isoleucyl vasopressin; Arginine oxytocin; Arginine vasotocin; Vasopressin; Pitressin tannate; Vasopressin, isoleucyl; Vasopressin, non-mammalian; Vasotocin; Pitressin; Pressyn |
Arterenol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Epinephrine; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Epinephrine; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Asmatane Mist | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Epinephrine; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Asthma Meter Mist | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Epinephrine; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Asthma-Nefrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Epinephrine; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Asthmahaler Mist | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Epinephrine; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Asthmanefrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Epinephrine; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Astmahalin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Epinephrine; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Astminhal | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Epinephrine; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Axert | dosage | Almotriptan; Eletriptan |
Badrock | dosage | Cocaine; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Balmadren | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Epinephrine; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Balminil Decongestant Syrup | dosage | Afrinol; Pseudoephedrine; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Bazooka | dosage | Badrock; Cocaine; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Benylin Decongestant | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Pseudoephedrine; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Benzoylethylecgonine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Cocaine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Benzoylmethylecgonine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Cocaine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Bernarenin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Epinephrine; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Bernice | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Cocaine; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Bernies | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Cocaine; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Besan | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Pseudoephedrine; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Beta-Cocain | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Cocaine; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Biomydrin | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Phenylephrine; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Biorenine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Epinephrine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Blast | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Cocaine; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Blizzard | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Cocaine; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Blow | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Cocaine; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Bosmin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Epinephrine; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Bouncing Powder | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Cocaine; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Brevirenin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Epinephrine; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Bronkaid | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Epinephrine; Epinephrine Mist; Epinephrine Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Bronkaid Mist | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Epinephrine; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Bronkaid Suspension Mist | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Epinephrine; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Bump | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Cocaine; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Burese | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Cocaine; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
C" Carrie | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; Cocaine; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
CIA | dosage | Tadalafil; Cialis; Cialis/Tadalafil Hcl; Cialis/Taladafil; ICOS 351; Tadanafil |
COC | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; Cocaine; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cabello | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cocaine; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Candy | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Cocaine; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Carrie | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Cocaine; COC; Cabello; Candy; Cocaine; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Caviar | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Cocaine; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cecil | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cocaine; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cenafed | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Pseudoephedrine; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Charlie | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Cocaine; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Chelafrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Epinephrine; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Chicken Scratch | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Cocaine; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cholly | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cocaine; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cialis | dosage | CIA; Tadalafil; Tadalafil/Tadalafil Hcl; Tadalafil/Taladafil; ICOS 351; Tadanafil |
Cialis/Tadalafil Hcl | dosage | CIA; Cialis; Tadalafil; Cialis/Taladafil; ICOS 351; Tadanafil |
Cialis/Taladafil | dosage | CIA; Cialis; Cialis/Tadalafil Hcl; Tadalafil; ICOS 351; Tadanafil |
Citanest Forte | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Epinephrine; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Coca | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocainein; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Cocaine; Cocainein; Cocaineina; Cocaineine Free Base; Cocaineine, L-; Cocaineine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocainein; L-Cocaineine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cocain | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocaine; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocaine; Cocainea; Cocainee Free Base; Cocainee, L-; Cocainee-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocaine; L-Cocainee; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cocaina | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaine; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cocaine | Liquid | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cocaine Free Base | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cocaine, L- | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cocaine-M | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cocktail | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocaine; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Coke | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Cocaine; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Cola | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cocaine; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Corine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Cocaine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Corisol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Epinephrine; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
D-Adrenaline | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; Epinephrine; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
D-Epifrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; Epinephrine; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
D-Epinephrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
D-Isoephedrine | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; Pseudoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
D-Pseudoephedrine | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
D-pseudococaine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; Cocaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
D.H.E. | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; Dihydroergotamine; Dihydroergotamine 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
D.H.E. 45 | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; Dihydroergotamine; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
D.H.E. 45 | dosage | Ergotamine; Dihydroergotamine Mesylate; Ergomar; Ergostat; Ergotamin; Ergoton-a [As Succinate]; Medihaler Ergotamine; Migranal; Wigrettes |
DET MS | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; Dihydroergotamine; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
DHE-45 | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; Dihydroergotamine; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Dama Blanca | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Cocaine; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Decofed | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoephedrine; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Delcaine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Cocaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Depsococaine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Cocaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Dergotamine | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dihydroergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Deseril | dosage | Methysergide; Desernil; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
Desernil | dosage | Deseril; Methysergide; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
Desernyl | dosage | Deseril; Desernil; Methysergide; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
Deseryl | dosage | Deseril; Desernil; Desernyl; Methysergide; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
Dextrocaine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Cocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Diclonia | dosage | Eletriptan; Diclonina; Diclonina [INN-Spanish]; Dyclocaine; Dyclocainum; Dyclone; Dyclonin; Dyclonine HCL; Dyclonine hydrochloride; Dycloninum [INN-Latin]; Dyclothane; Tanaclone |
Diclonina | dosage | Diclonia; Eletriptan; Eletriptan [INN-Spanish]; Dyclocaine; Dyclocainum; Dyclone; Dyclonin; Dyclonine HCL; Dyclonine hydrochloride; Dycloninum [INN-Latin]; Dyclothane; Tanaclone |
Diclonina [INN-Spanish] | dosage | Diclonia; Diclonina; Eletriptan; Dyclocaine; Dyclocainum; Dyclone; Dyclonin; Dyclonine HCL; Dyclonine hydrochloride; Dycloninum [INN-Latin]; Dyclothane; Tanaclone |
Diergo | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Dihydroergotamine; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish] | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihydroergotamine; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Dihydergot | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydroergotamine; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Dihydroergotamine | Liquid | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Dihydroergotamine Mesylate | dosage | D.H.E. 45; Ergotamine; Ergomar; Ergostat; Ergotamin; Ergoton-a [As Succinate]; Medihaler Ergotamine; Migranal; Wigrettes |
Dihydroergotamine mesylate | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin] | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Dilatair | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Phenylephrine; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Dimetane | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Phenylephrine; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Dimetapp Decongestant | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Pseudoephedrine; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Dionephrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Phenylephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Dirgotarl | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dihydroergotamine; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Doktors | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Phenylephrine; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Drenamist | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Epinephrine; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Drixoral N.D. | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Pseudoephedrine; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Drixoral Nasal Decongestant | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Pseudoephedrine; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Duranest | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Epinephrine; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Duration | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Phenylephrine; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Dust | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Cocaine; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Cocaine; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Cocaine; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Cocaine; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Dyclocaine | dosage | Diclonia; Diclonina; Diclonina [INN-Spanish]; Eletriptan; Dyclocainum; Dyclone; Dyclonin; Dyclonine HCL; Dyclonine hydrochloride; Dycloninum [INN-Latin]; Dyclothane; Tanaclone |
Dyclocainum | dosage | Diclonia; Diclonina; Diclonina [INN-Spanish]; Dyclocaine; Eletriptan; Dyclone; Dyclonin; Dyclonine HCL; Dyclonine hydrochloride; Dycloninum [INN-Latin]; Dyclothane; Tanaclone |
Dyclone | dosage | Diclonia; Diclonina; Diclonina [INN-Spanish]; Dyclocaine; Dyclocainum; Eletriptan; Dyclonin; Dyclonine HCL; Dyclonine hydrochloride; Dycloninum [INN-Latin]; Dyclothane; Tanaclone |
Dyclonin | dosage | Diclonia; Diclonina; Diclonina [INN-Spanish]; Dyclocaine; Dyclocainum; Dyclone; Eletriptan; Eletriptane HCL; Eletriptane hydrochloride; Eletriptanum [INN-Latin]; Dyclothane; Tanaclone |
Dyclonine HCL | dosage | Diclonia; Diclonina; Diclonina [INN-Spanish]; Dyclocaine; Dyclocainum; Dyclone; Dyclonin; Eletriptan; Dyclonine hydrochloride; Dycloninum [INN-Latin]; Dyclothane; Tanaclone |
Dyclonine hydrochloride | dosage | Diclonia; Diclonina; Diclonina [INN-Spanish]; Dyclocaine; Dyclocainum; Dyclone; Dyclonin; Dyclonine HCL; Eletriptan; Dycloninum [INN-Latin]; Dyclothane; Tanaclone |
Dycloninum [INN-Latin] | dosage | Diclonia; Diclonina; Diclonina [INN-Spanish]; Dyclocaine; Dyclocainum; Dyclone; Dyclonin; Dyclonine HCL; Dyclonine hydrochloride; Eletriptan; Dyclothane; Tanaclone |
Dyclothane | dosage | Diclonia; Diclonina; Diclonina [INN-Spanish]; Dyclocaine; Dyclocainum; Dyclone; Dyclonin; Dyclonine HCL; Dyclonine hydrochloride; Dycloninum [INN-Latin]; Eletriptan; Tanaclone |
Dylephrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Epinephrine; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Dyspne-Inhal | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Epinephrine; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Cocaine; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Pseudoephedrine; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Efidac/24 | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrine; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Eletriptan | Tablet for oral administration (24.2 or 48.5 mg) | Diclonia; Diclonina; Diclonina [INN-Spanish]; Dyclocaine; Dyclocainum; Dyclone; Dyclonin; Dyclonine HCL; Dyclonine hydrochloride; Dycloninum [INN-Latin]; Dyclothane; Tanaclone |
Eletriptan | dosage | Axert; Almotriptan |
Eltor 120 | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Pseudoephedrine; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Endophleban | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Dihydroergotamine; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Epi EZ Pen Jr | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epinephrine; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epifrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epinephrine; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epinephrine; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epiglaufrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epinephrine; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epinefrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinephrine; Epinephrine [Czech]; Epinephrinea; Epinephrinea [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epinefrin [Czech] | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinephrine; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epinefrina | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinephrine; Epinephrine [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish] | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinephrine; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epinephran | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephrine; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epinephrine | Cord; Drops; Liquid; Metered-dose (aerosol); Pad; Pellet; Pellet (dental); Solution; Spray | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epinephrine Bitartrate | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan] | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin] | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrine; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epipen | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epinephrine; Epinephrine Auto-Injector; Epinephrine EZ Pen; Epinephrine Jr.; Epinephrine Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epipen Auto-Injector | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epinephrine; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epipen EZ Pen | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epinephrine; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epipen Jr. | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epinephrine; Epinephrine Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epinephrine; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epirenamine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epinephrine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epinephrine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epirenan | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epinephrine; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epinephrine; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epirenin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epinephrine; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Epitrate | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epinephrine; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Eppy | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Epinephrine; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Ergomar | dosage | D.H.E. 45; Dihydroergotamine Mesylate; Ergotamine; Ergostat; Ergotamin; Ergoton-a [As Succinate]; Medihaler Ergotamine; Migranal; Wigrettes |
Ergomimet | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Dihydroergotamine; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Ergont | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Dihydroergotamine; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Ergostat | dosage | D.H.E. 45; Dihydroergotamine Mesylate; Ergomar; Ergotamine; Ergotamin; Ergoton-a [As Succinate]; Medihaler Ergotamine; Migranal; Wigrettes |
Ergotamin | dosage | D.H.E. 45; Dihydroergotamine Mesylate; Ergomar; Ergostat; Ergotamine; Ergoton-a [As Succinate]; Medihaler Ergotaminee; Migranal; Wigrettes |
Ergotamine | Tablet | D.H.E. 45; Dihydroergotamine Mesylate; Ergomar; Ergostat; Ergotamin; Ergoton-a [As Succinate]; Medihaler Ergotamine; Migranal; Wigrettes |
Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro- | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Dihydroergotamine; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Ergoton-a [As Succinate] | dosage | D.H.E. 45; Dihydroergotamine Mesylate; Ergomar; Ergostat; Ergotamin; Ergotamine; Medihaler Ergotamine; Migranal; Wigrettes |
Ergotonin | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Dihydroergotamine; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Eritroxilina | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Cocaine; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Erytroxylin | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Cocaine; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Esphygmogenina | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Epinephrine; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Exadrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Epinephrine; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Felipresina [INN-Spanish] | dosage | 2-(L-Phenylalanine)-8-L-lysinevasopressin; Felypressin; Felipressina [DCIT]; Felypressin [USAN:BAN:INN]; Felypressine [INN-French]; Felypressinum [INN-Latin]; Octapressin |
Felipressina [DCIT] | dosage | 2-(L-Phenylalanine)-8-L-lysinevasopressin; Felipresina [INN-Spanish]; Felypressin; Felypressin [USAN:BAN:INN]; Felypressine [INN-French]; Felypressinum [INN-Latin]; Octapressin |
Felypressin | | 2-(L-Phenylalanine)-8-L-lysinevasopressin; Felipresina [INN-Spanish]; Felipressina [DCIT]; Felypressin [USAN:BAN:INN]; Felypressine [INN-French]; Felypressinum [INN-Latin]; Octapressin |
Felypressin [USAN:BAN:INN] | dosage | 2-(L-Phenylalanine)-8-L-lysinevasopressin; Felipresina [INN-Spanish]; Felipressina [DCIT]; Felypressin; Felypressine [INN-French]; Felypressinum [INN-Latin]; Octapressin |
Felypressine [INN-French] | dosage | 2-(L-Phenylalanine)-8-L-lysinevasopressin; Felipresina [INN-Spanish]; Felipressina [DCIT]; Felypressin [USAN:BAN:INN]; Felypressin; Felypressinum [INN-Latin]; Octapressin |
Felypressinum [INN-Latin] | dosage | 2-(L-Phenylalanine)-8-L-lysinevasopressin; Felipresina [INN-Spanish]; Felipressina [DCIT]; Felypressin [USAN:BAN:INN]; Felypressine [INN-French]; Felypressin; Octapressin |
Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish] | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Phenylephrine; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Flake | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Cocaine; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Flex | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Cocaine; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Florida Snow | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Cocaine; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Foo Foo | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Cocaine; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Freeze | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Cocaine; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Frova | dosage | Frovatriptan; Miguard |
Frovatriptan | Tablet | Frova; Miguard |
G-Rock | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; Cocaine; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Genaphed | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Pseudoephedrine; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Girl | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Cocaine; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Cocaine or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Glaucon | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Epinephrine; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Glaucosan | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Epinephrine; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Glauposine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Epinephrine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Glycirenan | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Epinephrine; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Gold Dust | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Cocaine; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Goofball | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Cocaine; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Green Gold | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Cocaine; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Haemostasin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Epinephrine; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Haemostatin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Epinephrine; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Halobetasol | dosage | Halobetasol Propionate; Ulobetasol Propionate; Ultravate |
Halobetasol Propionate | Cream; Ointment; Solution | Halobetasol; Ulobetasol Propionate; Ultravate |
Happy Dust | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Cocaine; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Happy Powder | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Cocaine; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Happy Trails | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Cocaine; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Heaven | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Cocaine; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Hektalin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Epinephrine; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Hell | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Cocaine; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Hemisine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Epinephrine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Hemostasin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Epinephrine; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Hemostatin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Epinephrine; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Hydroxynorephedrine | dosage | Aramine; Metaraminol; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Pressorol |
Hypernephrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Epinephrine; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Hyporenin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Epinephrine; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
I-Phrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Phenylephrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
ICOS 351 | dosage | CIA; Cialis; Cialis/Tadalafil Hcl; Cialis/Taladafil; Tadalafil; Tadanafil |
IOP | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; Epinephrine; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Icoral B | dosage | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Metaraminol; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Pressorol |
Ikaran | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Dihydroergotamine; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Imigran | dosage | Sumatriptan; Imitrex; Sumatran; Sumatriptan Succinate; Sumatriptanum [Inn-Latin]; Sumax |
Imitrex | dosage | Imigran; Sumatriptan; Sumatran; Sumatriptan Succinate; Sumatriptanum [Inn-Latin]; Sumax |
Intranefrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Epinephrine; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Iontocaine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Epinephrine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Isocaine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Cocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Isococain | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Cocaine; Cocainee; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Isococaine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Cocaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Isoephedrine | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Pseudoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Pseudoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Isophrim | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Phenylephrine; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Isophrin | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Phenylephrine; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Isopto Frin | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Phenylephrine; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Isoptoepinal | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Epinephrine; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Jam | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Cocaine; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Kibbles N' Bits | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Cocaine; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Kidoline | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Epinephrine; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Kokain | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Cocaine; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Kokan | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Cocaine; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Kokayeen | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Cocaine; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
L-Adrenalin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; Epinephrine; Epinephrinee; Epinephrinee Base; Epinephrinee Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
L-Adrenaline | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; Epinephrine; Epinephrine Base; Epinephrine Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
L-Adrenaline Base | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; Epinephrine; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
L-Adrenaline Gr | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; Epinephrine; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
L-Arterenol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; Epinephrine; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
L-Cocain | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; Cocaine; Cocainee; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
L-Cocaine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
L-Epinephine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; Epinephrine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
L-Epinephrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
L-Epirenamine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; Epinephrine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
L-Metaraminol | dosage | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Pressorol |
L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; Epinephrine; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
L-Noradrenaline | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Epinephrine; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
L-Norepinephrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; Epinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
L-Phenylephedrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; Phenylephrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
L-Phenylephrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Lady | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Cocaine; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Cocaine; Yeyo; Zip |
Leaf | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Cocaine; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Levarterenol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Epinephrine; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Levitra | dosage | Vardenafil; VARDENAFIL, LEVITRA; VDN |
Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Epinephrine; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Levoarterenol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Epinephrine; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Levoepinephrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Epinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Levonor | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Epinephrine; Epinephrineadrenaline; Epinephrineepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Levonoradrenaline | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Epinephrine; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Levonorepinephrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Epinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Levophed | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Epinephrine; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Levorenen | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Epinephrine; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Levorenin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Epinephrine; Epinephrinee; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Levorenine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Epinephrine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Lidocaton | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Epinephrine; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Line | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Cocaine; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Lyophrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Epinephrine; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
M-Hydroxy Norephedrine | dosage | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; Metaraminol; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Pressorol |
M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine | dosage | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; Metaraminol; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Pressorol |
M-Hydroxypropadrine | dosage | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; Metaraminol; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Pressorol |
M-Methylaminoethanolphenol | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; Phenylephrine; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
M-Oxedrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; Phenylephrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
M-Sympathol | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; Phenylephrine; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
M-Sympatol | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; Phenylephrine; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
M-Synephrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; Phenylephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
MK 462 Free Base | dosage | Maxalt; Maxalt-MLT; Rizatriptan; Risatriptan; Rizatriptan benzoat; Rizatriptan benzoate |
Maxalt | dosage | Rizatriptan; Rizatriptan-MLT; MK 462 Free Base; Risatriptan; Rizatriptan benzoat; Rizatriptan benzoate |
Maxalt-MLT | dosage | Maxalt; Rizatriptan; MK 462 Free Base; Risatriptan; Rizatriptan benzoat; Rizatriptan benzoate |
Maxenal | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Pseudoephedrine; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Medihaler Ergotamine | dosage | D.H.E. 45; Dihydroergotamine Mesylate; Ergomar; Ergostat; Ergotamin; Ergoton-a [As Succinate]; Ergotamine; Migranal; Wigrettes |
Medihaler-Epi | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Epinephrine; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Mepyrapone | dosage | Midodrine; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Mesaton | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Phenylephrine; Phenylephrinee; Phenylephrineum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Mesatone | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Phenylephrine; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Mesatonum | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Phenylephrine; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Metanephrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Epinephrine; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Metaoxedrin | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Phenylephrine; Phenylephrinee; Phenylephrineum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Metaoxedrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Phenylephrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Metaoxedrinum | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Phenylephrine; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Metapirone | dosage | Mepyrapone; Midodrine; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Metapyron | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Midodrine; Midodrinee; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Metapyrone | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Midodrine; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Metaradrine | dosage | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaraminol; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Pressorol |
Metaraminol | Intramuscular injection; Intravenous injection | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Pressorol |
Metaraminol Bitartrate | dosage | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Pressorol |
Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin] | dosage | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminol; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Pressorol |
Metaraminolum [Latin] | dosage | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminol; Pressonex; Pressorol |
Metasympatol | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Phenylephrine; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Metasynephrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Phenylephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Methapyrapone | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Midodrine; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Methbipyranone | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Midodrine; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Methopirapone | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Midodrine; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Methopyrapone | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Midodrine; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Methopyrinine | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Midodrine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Methopyrone | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Midodrine; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Methoxamedrine | dosage | Methoxamine; Methoxamin; Methoxaminum [Inn-Latin]; Metossamina [DCIT]; Metoxamina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudomethoxamine; Vasoxine; Vasoxyl |
Methoxamin | dosage | Methoxamedrine; Methoxamine; Methoxamineum [Inn-Latin]; Metossamina [DCIT]; Metoxamina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudomethoxamine; Vasoxine; Vasoxyl |
Methoxamine | Liquid | Methoxamedrine; Methoxamin; Methoxaminum [Inn-Latin]; Metossamina [DCIT]; Metoxamina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudomethoxamine; Vasoxine; Vasoxyl |
Methoxaminum [Inn-Latin] | dosage | Methoxamedrine; Methoxamin; Methoxamine; Metossamina [DCIT]; Metoxamina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudomethoxamine; Vasoxine; Vasoxyl |
Methyl Benzoylecgonine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Cocaine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Methylaminoethanolcatechol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Epinephrine; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Epinephrine; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Epinephrine; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Methylarterenol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Epinephrine; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Methyllysergic acid butanolamide | dosage | Deseril; Desernil; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methysergide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
Methysergid | dosage | Deseril; Desernil; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergide; Methysergidee [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergideum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
Methysergide | Tablet | Deseril; Desernil; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN] | dosage | Deseril; Desernil; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
Methysergidum [INN-Latin] | dosage | Deseril; Desernil; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergide; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
Metisergide [DCIT] | dosage | Deseril; Desernil; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Methysergide; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
Metisergido [INN-Spanish] | dosage | Deseril; Desernil; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Methysergide; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
Metopiron | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Midodrine; Midodrinee; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Metopirone | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Midodrine; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Metopyrone | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Midodrine; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Metossamina [DCIT] | dosage | Methoxamedrine; Methoxamin; Methoxaminum [Inn-Latin]; Methoxamine; Metoxamina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudomethoxamine; Vasoxine; Vasoxyl |
Metoxamina [Inn-Spanish] | dosage | Methoxamedrine; Methoxamin; Methoxaminum [Inn-Latin]; Metossamina [DCIT]; Methoxamine; Pseudomethoxamine; Vasoxine; Vasoxyl |
Metroprione | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Midodrine; Metyrapon |
Metsatonum | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Phenylephrine; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Metyrapon | dosage | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Midodrine |
Mezaton | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Phenylephrine; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Micronefrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Epinephrine; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Midodrine | 2.5-mg and 5-mg tablets for oral administration | Mepyrapone; Metapirone; Metapyron; Metapyrone; Methapyrapone; Methbipyranone; Methopirapone; Methopyrapone; Methopyrinine; Methopyrone; Metopiron; Metopirone; Metopyrone; Metroprione; Metyrapon |
Migranal | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Dihydroergotamine; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Migranal | dosage | D.H.E. 45; Dihydroergotamine Mesylate; Ergomar; Ergostat; Ergotamin; Ergoton-a [As Succinate]; Medihaler Ergotamine; Ergotamine; Wigrettes |
Miguard | dosage | Frova; Frovatriptan |
Minims Phenylephrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Moonrocks | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Cocaine; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Morena | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Dihydroergotamine; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Mucidrina | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Epinephrine; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Mydfrin | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Phenylephrine; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Myfedrine | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Pseudoephedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Myosthenine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Epinephrine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Mytrate | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Epinephrine; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide | dosage | Deseril; Desernil; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; Methysergide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Sansert |
N-(N-(N-Glycylglycyl)glycyl)-8-L-lysinevasopressin | dosage | Terlipressin; Terlipressin [BAN:INN]; Terlipressine [INN-French]; Terlipressinum [INN-Latin]; Terlipressina [INN-Spanish]; Terlipressin |
N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide | dosage | Deseril; Desernil; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; Methysergide; Sansert |
Naratriptan | Tablet (1 mg, 2.5 mg) | Amerge |
Neo-Synephrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Phenylephrine; Phenylephrine Nasal Drops; Phenylephrine Nasal Jelly; Phenylephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Phenylephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Phenylephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Phenylephrine; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Neofrin | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Phenylephrine; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Neophryn | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Phenylephrine; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Neosynephrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Phenylephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Nephridine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Epinephrine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Nephron | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Epinephrine; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Neurocaine | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Cocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Nieraline | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Epinephrine; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
None | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; Cocaine; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Nor-Epirenan | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Epinephrine; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Noradrenalin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Epinephrinee; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Epinephrine; Epinephrinee; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Noradrenaline | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Epinephrine; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Epinephrine; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Norartrinal | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Epinephrine; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Norepinephrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Epinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Epinephrine; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Norepinephrine Bitartrate | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Epinephrine; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Norepirenamine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Nostril | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Phenylephrine; Phenylephrine Spray Pump; Phenylephrine Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Nostril Spray Pump | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Phenylephrine; Phenylephrine Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Nostril Spray Pump Mild | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Phenylephrine; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Novafed | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Pseudoephedrine; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Octapressin | dosage | 2-(L-Phenylalanine)-8-L-lysinevasopressin; Felipresina [INN-Spanish]; Felipressina [DCIT]; Felypressin [USAN:BAN:INN]; Felypressine [INN-French]; Felypressinum [INN-Latin]; Felypressin |
Octocaine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Epinephrine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Phenylephrine; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Ocugestrin | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Phenylephrine; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Orstanorm | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Dihydroergotamine; Tonopres; Verladyn |
Paranephrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Epinephrine; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Pedia Care | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Phenoptic | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenylephrine; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Phenylephrine | Ophthalmic solution; Nasal solution; Solution (IM, IV, IV infusion and subcutaneous); Gel; Cream; Ointment; Suppository | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Phenylephrine, I- | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Phenylephrine, L- | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Phenylephrinhydrochlorid | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrine; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin] | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrine; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Pimp's Drug | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Cocaine; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Pitressin | dosage | 3-Isoleucyl vasopressin; Arginine oxytocin; Arginine vasotocin; Argiprestocin; Vasopressin tannate; Vasopressin, isoleucyl; Vasopressin, non-mammalian; Vasotocin; Vasopressin; Pressyn |
Pitressin tannate | dosage | 3-Isoleucyl vasopressin; Arginine oxytocin; Arginine vasotocin; Argiprestocin; Vasopressin; Vasopressin, isoleucyl; Vasopressin, non-mammalian; Vasotocin; Pitressin; Pressyn |
Prefrin | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Phenylephrine; Phenylephrine Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Prefrin Liquifilm | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Phenylephrine; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Pressonex | dosage | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Metaraminol; Pressorol |
Pressorol | dosage | Aramine; Hydroxynorephedrine; Icoral B; L-Metaraminol; M-Hydroxy Norephedrine; M-Hydroxyphenylpropanolamine; M-Hydroxypropadrine; Metaradrine; Metaraminol Bitartrate; Metaraminolum [Inn-Latin]; Metaraminolum [Latin]; Pressonex; Metaraminol |
Pressyn | dosage | 3-Isoleucyl vasopressin; Arginine oxytocin; Arginine vasotocin; Argiprestocin; Pitressin tannate; Vasopressin, isoleucyl; Vasopressin, non-mammalian; Vasotocin; Pitressin; Vasopressin |
Primatene Mist | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Epinephrine; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Prime Time | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Cocaine; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Pseudo | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrineephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrineephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoephedrine 60's; Pseudoephedrine-12; Pseudoephedrineefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrineephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrineephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrineephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrineephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Pseudo 60's | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Pseudo-12 | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish] | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Pseudoephedrine | Capsule (sustained-release); Tablet; Tablet (extended-release); Oral liquid; Nasal spray; Syrup | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Pseudoephedrine D-Form | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Pseudoephedrine Hcl | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin] | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrine; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Pseudomethoxamine | dosage | Methoxamedrine; Methoxamin; Methoxaminum [Inn-Latin]; Metossamina [DCIT]; Metoxamina [Inn-Spanish]; Methoxamine; Vasoxine; Vasoxyl |
Psi-Ephedrin | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoephedrinee; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Psi-Ephedrine | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Pseudoephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Pyracort D | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Phenylephrine; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Phenylephrine; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Renagladin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Epinephrine; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Renaglandin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Epinephrine; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Renaglandulin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Epinephrine; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Renaleptine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Epinephrine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Renalina | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Epinephrine; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Renoform | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Epinephrine; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Renostypricin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Epinephrine; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Renostypticin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Epinephrine; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Renostyptin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Epinephrine; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Rhinall | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Phenylephrine; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Risatriptan | dosage | Maxalt; Maxalt-MLT; MK 462 Free Base; Rizatriptan; Rizatriptan benzoat; Rizatriptan benzoate |
Rizatriptan | Tablet; Wafer | Maxalt; Maxalt-MLT; MK 462 Free Base; Risatriptan; Rizatriptan benzoat; Rizatriptan benzoate |
Rizatriptan benzoat | dosage | Maxalt; Maxalt-MLT; MK 462 Free Base; Risatriptan; Rizatriptan; Rizatriptane |
Rizatriptan benzoate | dosage | Maxalt; Maxalt-MLT; MK 462 Free Base; Risatriptan; Rizatriptan benzoat; Rizatriptan |
Robidrine | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Rock | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Cocaine; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Cocaine; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Sansert | dosage | Deseril; Desernil; Desernyl; Deseryl; Methyllysergic acid butanolamide; Methysergid; Methysergide [USAN:BAN:INN]; Methysergidum [INN-Latin]; Metisergide [DCIT]; Metisergido [INN-Spanish]; N-(1-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-(+)-lysergamide; N-(alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)propyl)-1-methyl-dextro-lysergamide; Methysergide |
Scurenaline | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Epinephrine; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Septocaine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Epinephrine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Simplene | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Epinephrine; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Sindrenina | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Epinephrine; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Sleighride | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Cocaine; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Snort | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Cocaine; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Soladren | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Epinephrine; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Spersaphrine | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Phenylephrine; Vicks Sinex; Visadron |
Sphygmogenin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Epinephrine; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Star Dust | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Cocaine; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Star-Spangled Powder | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Cocaine; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Stryptirenal | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Epinephrine; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Styptirenal | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Epinephrine; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Sudafed | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoephedrine 12 Hour; Pseudoephedrine Decongestant; Pseudoephedrine Decongestant 12 Hour; Pseudoephedrine Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Sudafed 12 Hour | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Pseudoephedrine; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Sudafed Decongestant | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoephedrine 12 Hour; Pseudoephedrine Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Pseudoephedrine; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Pseudoephedrine; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Sugar | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Cocaine; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Sumatran | dosage | Imigran; Imitrex; Sumatriptan; Sumatriptan Succinate; Sumatriptanum [Inn-Latin]; Sumax |
Sumatriptan | Tablet; Injection; Nasal spray | Imigran; Imitrex; Sumatran; Sumatriptan Succinate; Sumatriptanum [Inn-Latin]; Sumax |
Sumatriptan Succinate | dosage | Imigran; Imitrex; Sumatran; Sumatriptan; Sumatriptanum [Inn-Latin]; Sumax |
Sumatriptanum [Inn-Latin] | dosage | Imigran; Imitrex; Sumatran; Sumatriptan Succinate; Sumatriptan; Sumax |
Sumax | dosage | Imigran; Imitrex; Sumatran; Sumatriptan Succinate; Sumatriptanum [Inn-Latin]; Sumatriptan |
Supracapsulin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Epinephrine; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Supradin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Epinephrine; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Supranefran | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Epinephrine; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Supranephrane | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Epinephrine; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Supranephrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Epinephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Supranol | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Epinephrine; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Suprarenaline | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Epinephrine; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Suprarenin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Epinephrine; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Suprel | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Epinephrine; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Surenine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Epinephrine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Surrenine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Epinephrine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Sus-Phrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Epinephrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Susphrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Epinephrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Sweet Stuff | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Cocaine; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Sympathin E | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Epinephrine; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Sympathin I | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Epinephrine; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Tadalafil | Tablet | CIA; Cialis; Cialis/Tadalafil Hcl; Cialis/Taladafil; ICOS 351; Tadanafil |
Tadanafil | dosage | CIA; Cialis; Cialis/Tadalafil Hcl; Cialis/Taladafil; ICOS 351; Tadalafil |
Takamina | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Epinephrine; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Takamine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Epinephrine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Tanaclone | dosage | Diclonia; Diclonina; Diclonina [INN-Spanish]; Dyclocaine; Dyclocainum; Dyclone; Dyclonin; Dyclonine HCL; Dyclonine hydrochloride; Dycloninum [INN-Latin]; Dyclothane; Eletriptan |
Terlipressin | | Terlipressin; Terlipressin [BAN:INN]; Terlipressine [INN-French]; Terlipressinum [INN-Latin]; Terlipressina [INN-Spanish]; N-(N-(N-Glycylglycyl)glycyl)-8-L-lysinevasopressin |
Terlipressin | dosage | Terlipressin; Terlipressin [BAN:INN]; Terlipressine [INN-French]; Terlipressinum [INN-Latin]; Terlipressina [INN-Spanish]; N-(N-(N-Glycylglycyl)glycyl)-8-L-lysinevasopressin |
Terlipressin [BAN:INN] | dosage | Terlipressin; Terlipressin; Terlipressine [INN-French]; Terlipressinum [INN-Latin]; Terlipressina [INN-Spanish]; N-(N-(N-Glycylglycyl)glycyl)-8-L-lysinevasopressin |
Terlipressina [INN-Spanish] | dosage | Terlipressin; Terlipressin [BAN:INN]; Terlipressine [INN-French]; Terlipressinum [INN-Latin]; Terlipressin; N-(N-(N-Glycylglycyl)glycyl)-8-L-lysinevasopressin |
Terlipressine [INN-French] | dosage | Terlipressin; Terlipressin [BAN:INN]; Terlipressin; Terlipressinum [INN-Latin]; Terlipressina [INN-Spanish]; N-(N-(N-Glycylglycyl)glycyl)-8-L-lysinevasopressin |
Terlipressinum [INN-Latin] | dosage | Terlipressin; Terlipressin [BAN:INN]; Terlipressine [INN-French]; Terlipressin; Terlipressina [INN-Spanish]; N-(N-(N-Glycylglycyl)glycyl)-8-L-lysinevasopressin |
Tokamina | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Epinephrine; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Toke | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Cocaine; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Tolansin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Epinephrine; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Tolax | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Epinephrine; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Tolcil | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Epinephrine; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Tolhart | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Epinephrine; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Tonogen | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Epinephrine; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Tonopres | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Dihydroergotamine; Verladyn |
Toot | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Cocaine; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Trails | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Cocaine; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Cocaine; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Zip |
Trans-Ephedrine | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Pseudoephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Triaminic | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine; Pseudoephedrine AM Decongestant Formula; Pseudoephedrine Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Pseudoephedrine; Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops |
Triaminic Infant Oral Decongestant Drops | dosage | Afrinol; Balminil Decongestant Syrup; Benylin Decongestant; Besan; Cenafed; D-Isoephedrine; D-Pseudoephedrine; Decofed; Dimetapp Decongestant; Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops; Drixoral N.D.; Drixoral Nasal Decongestant; Efidac 24 Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Efidac/24; Eltor 120; Genaphed; Isoephedrine; Maxenal; Myfedrine; Novafed; Pedia Care; Pseudo; Pseudo 60's; Pseudo-12; Pseudoefedrina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudoephedrine D-Form; Pseudoephedrine Ephedrine; Pseudoephedrine Hcl; Pseudoephedrinum [Inn-Latin]; Psi-Ephedrin; Psi-Ephedrine; Robidrine; Sudafed; Sudafed 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant; Sudafed Decongestant 12 Hour; Sudafed Decongestant Extra Strength; Trans-Ephedrine; Triaminic; Triaminic AM Decongestant Formula; Pseudoephedrine |
Twinject | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Epinephrine; Epinephrine 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Twinject 0.30 | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Epinephrine; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Ulobetasol Propionate | dosage | Halobetasol; Halobetasol Propionate; Ultravate |
Ultravate | dosage | Halobetasol; Ulobetasol Propionate; Halobetasol Propionate |
VARDENAFIL, LEVITRA | dosage | Levitra; Vardenafil; VDN |
VDN | dosage | Levitra; VARDENAFIL, LEVITRA; Vardenafil |
Vaponefrin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Epinephrine; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Vardenafil | Tablet (5, 10, and 20 mg) | Levitra; VARDENAFIL, LEVITRA; VDN |
Vasoconstrictine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Epinephrine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Vasoconstrictor | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Epinephrine; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Vasodrine | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Epinephrine; Vasoton; Vasotonin |
Vasopressin | Liquid | 3-Isoleucyl vasopressin; Arginine oxytocin; Arginine vasotocin; Argiprestocin; Pitressin tannate; Vasopressin, isoleucyl; Vasopressin, non-mammalian; Vasotocin; Pitressin; Pressyn |
Vasopressin, isoleucyl | dosage | 3-Isoleucyl vasopressin; Arginine oxytocin; Arginine vasotocin; Argiprestocin; Pitressin tannate; Vasopressin; Vasopressin, non-mammalian; Vasotocin; Pitressin; Pressyn |
Vasopressin, non-mammalian | dosage | 3-Isoleucyl vasopressin; Arginine oxytocin; Arginine vasotocin; Argiprestocin; Pitressin tannate; Vasopressin, isoleucyl; Vasopressin; Vasotocin; Pitressin; Pressyn |
Vasotocin | dosage | 3-Isoleucyl vasopressin; Arginine oxytocin; Arginine vasotocin; Argiprestocin; Pitressin tannate; Vasopressin, isoleucyl; Vasopressin, non-mammalian; Vasopressin; Pitressin; Pressyn |
Vasoton | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Epinephrine; Epinephrinein |
Vasotonin | dosage | ADROP; Adnephrine; Adrenal; Adrenalin; Adrenalin Chloride; Adrenalin in Oil; Adrenalin-Medihaler; Adrenalina [Dcit]; Adrenaline; Adrenaline/Epinephrine; Adrenalinum; Adrenamine; Adrenan; Adrenapax; Adrenasol; Adrenatrate; Adrenine; Adrenodis; Adrenohorma; Adrenor; Adrenosan; Adrenutol; Adrin; Adrine; Aktamin; Ana-Guard; Antiasthmatique; Arterenol; Asmatane Mist; Asthma Meter Mist; Asthma-Nefrin; Asthmahaler Mist; Asthmanefrin; Astmahalin; Astminhal; Balmadren; Bernarenin; Biorenine; Bosmin; Brevirenin; Bronkaid; Bronkaid Mist; Bronkaid Suspension Mist; Bupivacaine Hcl and Epinephrine; Chelafrin; Citanest Forte; Corisol; D-Adrenaline; D-Epifrin; D-Epinephrine; Drenamist; Duranest; Dylephrin; Dyspne-Inhal; Epi EZ Pen Jr; Epifrin; Epiglaufrin; Epinefrin; Epinefrin [Czech]; Epinefrina; Epinefrina [Inn-Spanish]; Epinephran; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephrine [Usan:Inn:Jan]; Epinephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Epipen; Epipen Auto-Injector; Epipen EZ Pen; Epipen Jr.; Epipen Jr. Auto-Injector; Epirenamine; Epirenan; Epirenin; Epitrate; Eppy; Esphygmogenina; Exadrin; Glaucon; Glaucosan; Glauposine; Glycirenan; Haemostasin; Haemostatin; Hektalin; Hemisine; Hemostasin; Hemostatin; Hypernephrin; Hyporenin; IOP; Intranefrin; Iontocaine; Isoptoepinal; Kidoline; L-Adrenalin; L-Adrenaline; L-Adrenaline Base; L-Adrenaline Gr; L-Arterenol; L-Epinephine; L-Epinephrine; L-Epirenamine; L-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; L-Noradrenaline; L-Norepinephrine; Levarterenol; Levo-Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Levoarterenol; Levoepinephrine; Levonor; Levonoradrenaline; Levonorepinephrine; Levophed; Levorenen; Levorenin; Levorenine; Lidocaton; Lyophrin; Medihaler-Epi; Metanephrin; Methylaminoethanolcatechol; Methylarterenol; Micronefrin; Mucidrina; Myosthenine; Mytrate; Nephridine; Nephron; Nieraline; Nor-Epirenan; Noradrenalin; Noradrenaline; Norartrinal; Norepinephrine; Norepinephrine Bitartrate; Norepirenamine; Octocaine; Paranephrin; Primatene Mist; Renagladin; Renaglandin; Renaglandulin; Renaleptine; Renalina; Renoform; Renostypricin; Renostypticin; Renostyptin; Scurenaline; Septocaine; Simplene; Sindrenina; Soladren; Sphygmogenin; Stryptirenal; Styptirenal; Supracapsulin; Supradin; Supranefran; Supranephrane; Supranephrine; Supranol; Suprarenaline; Suprarenin; Suprel; Surenine; Surrenine; Sus-Phrine; Susphrine; Sympathin E; Sympathin I; Takamina; Takamine; Tokamina; Tolansin; Tolax; Tolcil; Tolhart; Tonogen; Twinject; Twinject 0.30; Vaponefrin; Vasoconstrictine; Vasoconstrictor; Vasodrine; Vasoton; Epinephrine |
Vasoxine | dosage | Methoxamedrine; Methoxamin; Methoxaminum [Inn-Latin]; Metossamina [DCIT]; Metoxamina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudomethoxamine; Methoxamine; Vasoxyl |
Vasoxyl | dosage | Methoxamedrine; Methoxamin; Methoxaminum [Inn-Latin]; Metossamina [DCIT]; Metoxamina [Inn-Spanish]; Pseudomethoxamine; Vasoxine; Methoxamine |
Verladyn | dosage | Agit; Angionorm; D.H.E.; D.H.E. 45; DET MS; DHE-45; Dergotamine; Diergo; Dihidroergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Dihydergot; Dihydroergotamine mesylate; Dihydroergotamine methanesulfonate; Dihydroergotamine monomethanesulfonate; Dihydroergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Dirgotarl; Endophleban; Ergomimet; Ergont; Ergotamine, 9,10-dihydro-; Ergotonin; Ikaran; Migranal; Morena; Orstanorm; Tonopres; Dihydroergotamine |
Vicks Sinex | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Phenylephrine; Visadron |
Visadron | dosage | Adrianol; AK-Dilate; AK-Nefrin; Alcon Efrin; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 12; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 25; Alconefrin Nasal Drops 50; Alconefrin Nasal Spray 25; Biomydrin; Dilatair; Dimetane; Dionephrine; Doktors; Duration; Fenilefrina [Inn-Spanish]; I-Phrine; Isophrim; Isophrin; Isopto Frin; L-Phenylephedrine; L-Phenylephrine; M-Methylaminoethanolphenol; M-Oxedrine; M-Sympathol; M-Sympatol; M-Synephrine; Mesaton; Mesatone; Mesatonum; Metaoxedrin; Metaoxedrine; Metaoxedrinum; Metasympatol; Metasynephrine; Metsatonum; Mezaton; Minims Phenylephrine; Mydfrin; Neo-Synephrine; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Drops; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Jelly; Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray; Neofrin; Neophryn; Neosynephrine; Nostril; Nostril Spray Pump; Nostril Spray Pump Mild; Ocu-Phrin Sterile Eye Drops; Ocugestrin; Phenoptic; Phenylephrine, I-; Phenylephrine, L-; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; Phenylephrinum [Inn-Latin]; Prefrin; Prefrin Liquifilm; Pyracort D; Relief Eye Drops for Red Eyes; Rhinall; Spersaphrine; Vicks Sinex; Phenylephrine |
White Girl or Lady | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; Cocaine; Yeyo; Zip |
Wigrettes | dosage | D.H.E. 45; Dihydroergotamine Mesylate; Ergomar; Ergostat; Ergotamin; Ergoton-a [As Succinate]; Medihaler Ergotamine; Migranal; Ergotamine |
Yeyo | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Cocaine; Zip |
Zip | dosage | Badrock; Bazooka; Benzoylethylecgonine; Benzoylmethylecgonine; Bernice; Bernies; Beta-Cocain; Blast; Blizzard; Blow; Bouncing Powder; Bump; Burese; C" Carrie; COC; Cabello; Candy; Carrie; Caviar; Cecil; Charlie; Chicken Scratch; Cholly; Coca; Cocain; Cocaina; Cocaine Free Base; Cocaine, L-; Cocaine-M; Cocktail; Coke; Cola; Corine; D-pseudococaine; Dama Blanca; Delcaine; Depsococaine; Dextrocaine; Dust; Ecgonine, Methyl Ester, Benzoate; Eritroxilina; Erytroxylin; Flake; Flex; Florida Snow; Foo Foo; Freeze; G-Rock; Girl; Gold Dust; Goofball; Green Gold; Happy Dust; Happy Powder; Happy Trails; Heaven; Hell; Isocaine; Isococain; Isococaine; Jam; Kibbles N' Bits; Kokain; Kokan; Kokayeen; L-Cocain; L-Cocaine; Lady; Leaf; Line; Methyl Benzoylecgonine; Moonrocks; Neurocaine; None; Pimp's Drug; Prime Time; Rock; Sleighride; Snort; Star Dust; Star-Spangled Powder; Sugar; Sweet Stuff; Toke; Toot; Trails; White Girl or Lady; Yeyo; Cocaine |
Zolmitriptan | Spray; Tablet | Zomig; Zomig-ZMT |
Zomig | dosage | Zolmitriptan; Zolmitriptan-ZMT |
Zomig-ZMT | dosage | Zomig; Zolmitriptan |