Name Dosage Analogs / Brand Names
Alert-PepdosageCaffeine; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
AnoquandosageAlert-Pep; Caffeine; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CFFdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; Caffeine; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CafamildosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Caffeine; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CafcitdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Caffeine; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CafecondosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Caffeine; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CafeinadosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Caffeine; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CafergotdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Caffeine; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CaffedrinedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffeine; Caffeine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Caffedrine CapletsdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffeine; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CaffeindosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffeine; Caffeinee Pure; Caffeinee, Anhydrous; Caffeinee, Monohydrate; Caffeinee, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeineum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CaffeineCapsule; Drops; Liquid; Pill; TabletAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Caffeine PuredosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Caffeine, AnhydrousdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Caffeine, MonohydratedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Caffeine, SyntheticdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CaffinedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffeine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CafipeldosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Caffeine; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CoffeindosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Caffeine; Caffeinee; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
CoffeinedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Caffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Compound 65dosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Caffeine; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Caffeine; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Darvon CompounddosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Caffeine; Caffeine-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Darvon Compound-65dosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Caffeine; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
DasindosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Caffeine; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
DexitacdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Caffeine; Caffeine Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Dexitac Stay Alert StimulantdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Caffeine; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Dhc PlusdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Caffeine; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
DiurexdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Caffeine; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
DurvitandosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Caffeine; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Eldiatric CdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Caffeine; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
EnerjetsdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Caffeine; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
ErcatabdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Caffeine; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
EsgicdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Caffeine; Caffeine-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Esgic-PlusdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Caffeine; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
FemcetdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Caffeine; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
FioricetdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Caffeine; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
FiorinaldosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Caffeine; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
GuaraninedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Caffeine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
HycominedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Caffeine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
InvagesicdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Caffeine; Caffeine Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Invagesic FortedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Caffeine; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Keep AlertdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Caffeine; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
KofeindosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Caffeine; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
KoffeindosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Caffeine; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
LanorinaldosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Caffeine; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
MateinadosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Caffeine; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant PowdersdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Caffeine; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Medigesic PlusdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Caffeine; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
MethyltheobromidedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Caffeine; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
MethyltheobrominedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Caffeine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
MigergotdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Caffeine; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
MiudoldosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Caffeine; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Monomethyl Derivative of TheophyllinedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Caffeine; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Natural CaffeinumdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Caffeine; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Nix NapdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Caffeine; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
No-DozdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; Caffeine; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
NodacadosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Caffeine; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Nodoz Maximum Strength CapletsdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Caffeine; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
NorgesicdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Caffeine; Caffeine Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Norgesic FortedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Caffeine; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
OrganexdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Caffeine; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
OrphengesicdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Caffeine; Caffeine Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Orphengesic FortedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Caffeine; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Pep-BackdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Caffeine; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Caffeine; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
PhensaldosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Caffeine; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Propoxyphene Compound 65dosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Caffeine; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Propoxyphene Compound-65dosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Caffeine; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Quick PepdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Caffeine; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Refresh'ndosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Caffeine; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
SK 65 CompounddosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; Caffeine; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
StimdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Caffeineulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Caffeineulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Caffeine; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Synalgos-DcdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Caffeine; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
TheindosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Caffeine; Caffeinee; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
TheinedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Caffeine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Theobromine MEdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Caffeine; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Theophylline MEdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Caffeine; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
TriaddosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Caffeine; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Ultra Pep-BackdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Caffeine; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Wigraine
VivarindosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Caffeine; Wake-Up; Wigraine
Wake-UpdosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Caffeine; Wigraine
WigrainedosageAlert-Pep; Anoquan; CFF; Cafamil; Cafcit; Cafecon; Cafeina; Cafergot; Caffedrine; Caffedrine Caplets; Caffein; Caffeine Pure; Caffeine, Anhydrous; Caffeine, Monohydrate; Caffeine, Synthetic; Caffine; Cafipel; Coffein; Coffeine; Compound 65; Darvon Compound; Darvon Compound-65; Dasin; Dexitac; Dexitac Stay Alert Stimulant; Dhc Plus; Diurex; Durvitan; Eldiatric C; Enerjets; Ercatab; Esgic; Esgic-Plus; Femcet; Fioricet; Fiorinal; Guaranine; Hycomine; Invagesic; Invagesic Forte; Keep Alert; Kofein; Koffein; Lanorinal; Mateina; Maximum Strength Snapback Stimulant Powders; Medigesic Plus; Methyltheobromide; Methyltheobromine; Migergot; Miudol; Monomethyl Derivative of Theophylline; Natural Caffeinum; Nix Nap; No-Doz; Nodaca; Nodoz Maximum Strength Caplets; Norgesic; Norgesic Forte; Organex; Orphengesic; Orphengesic Forte; Pep-Back; Phensal; Propoxyphene Compound 65; Propoxyphene Compound-65; Quick Pep; Refresh'n; SK 65 Compound; Stim; Synalgos-Dc; Thein; Theine; Theobromine ME; Theophylline ME; Triad; Ultra Pep-Back; Vivarin; Wake-Up; Caffeine