Phenoformine Hydrochloride en es it fr

Phenoformine Hydrochloride Brand names, Phenoformine Hydrochloride Analogs

Phenoformine Hydrochloride Brand Names Mixture

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Phenoformine Hydrochloride Chemical_Formula


Phenoformine Hydrochloride RX_link

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Phenoformine Hydrochloride fda sheet

Phenoformine Hydrochloride msds (material safety sheet)

Phenoformine Hydrochloride Synthesis Reference

Shapiro, Freedman, U.S. pats. 2,961,377, 3,057,780 (1960, 1962 both to U.S.V.)

Phenoformine Hydrochloride Molecular Weight

205.26 g/mol

Phenoformine Hydrochloride Melting Point

175-178 oC

Phenoformine Hydrochloride H2O Solubility

210 mg/mL

Phenoformine Hydrochloride State


Phenoformine Hydrochloride LogP


Phenoformine Hydrochloride Dosage Forms

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Phenoformine Hydrochloride Indication

For the reatment of type II diabetes mellitus.

Phenoformine Hydrochloride Pharmacology

Used to treat diabetes, phenformin is a biguanide (contains 2 guanidino groups) hypoglycemic agent with actions and uses similar to those of metformin (Glucophage). Both drugs work by (1) decreasing the absorption of glucose by the intestines, (2) decreasing the production of glucose in the liver, and by (3) increasing the body's ability to use insulin more effectively. More specifically, phenformin improves glycemic control by improving insulin sensitivity. Phenformin is generally considered to be associated with an unacceptably high incidence of actic acidosis. In general biguanides should be used only in stable type II diabetics who are free of liver, kidney and cardiovascular problems and who cannot be controlled with diet.

Phenoformine Hydrochloride Absorption

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Phenoformine Hydrochloride side effects and Toxicity

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Phenoformine Hydrochloride Patient Information

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Phenoformine Hydrochloride Organisms Affected

Humans and other mammals