Isoptin SR
Nombres de marca,
Isoptin SR
Isoptin SR
Marca los nombres de mezcla
Tarka (trandolapril + verapamil hydrochloride)
Isoptin SR
Formula quimica
Isoptin SR
RX enlace
Isoptin SR
FDA hoja
Isoptin SR
MSDS (hoja de seguridad de materiales)
Isoptin SR
Sintesis de referencia
Dengel, EE.UU. Pat. 3,261,859 (1966)
Isoptin SR
Peso molecular
454.602 g/mol
Isoptin SR
Punto de fusion
< 25 oC
Isoptin SR
H2O Solubilidad
4,47 mg / L
Isoptin SR
Isoptin SR
Isoptin SR
Formas de dosificacion
Cápsulas (liberación sostenida), líquido, solución, Tablet, Tablet (de liberación prolongada)
Isoptin SR
Para el tratamiento de la hipertensión y la angina de pecho.
Isoptin SR
Verapamilo, un agente antiarrítmico de clase IV, se utiliza como calcio, bloqueadores de los canales (CCB) agente para el tratamiento de la angina, la hipertensión y las taquiarritmias supraventriculares.
Isoptin SR
Isoptin SR
LD50 = 8 mg / kg (iv en ratones)
Isoptin SR
Informacion de Pacientes
Verapamil HCl is known as a calcium channel blocker. It is taken to treat high blood pressure, to relieve some
chest pains in patients with angina, or to treat some problems with heart rhythms. Verapamil has several drug
interactions, make sure your physician and pharmacist known all the medicines you are taking so they may properly
advise you. Verapamil HCl is excreted in breast milk. It may be necessary to change therapy or provide an alternate
to breast milk. The most common side effect is constipation. This may be relieved with dietary modification (more
fiber) or laxatives. Sustained release tablets should be taken with food. They should not be broken or crushed. Doses
may need some adjustment, make sure to have your condition monitored regularly.
Isoptin SR
Organismos afectados
Humanos y otros mamíferos