Urobenyl en es it fr


Urobenyl Nombres de marca, Urobenyl Analogos

Urobenyl Marca los nombres de mezcla

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  • Urobenyl Formula quimica


    Urobenyl RX enlace


    Urobenyl FDA hoja


    Urobenyl MSDS (hoja de seguridad de materiales)

    Urobenyl MSDS

    Urobenyl Sintesis de referencia

    Robins, J. Am. Chem. Por lo tanto. 78, 784 (1956)

    Urobenyl Peso molecular

    136.112 g/mol

    Urobenyl Punto de fusion

    350 oC

    Urobenyl H2O Solubilidad

    569 mg / L

    Urobenyl Estado


    Urobenyl LogP


    Urobenyl Formas de dosificacion

    Comprimido para administración oral (100 mg, 200 mg y 300 mg), inyección

    Urobenyl Indicacion

    Para el tratamiento de la hiperuricemia asociados con la gota primaria o secundaria.

    Urobenyl Farmacologia

    El alopurinol, un análogo estructural de la base de purina naturales hipoxantina, se utiliza para prevenir la gota y los cálculos renales debido a el ácido úrico o de oxalato de calcio y para el tratamiento de la nefropatía por ácido úrico, hiperuricemia, y algunos tumores sólidos.

    Urobenyl Absorcion

    Aproximadamente el 90% es absorbido desde el tracto gastrointestinal.

    Urobenyl Toxicidad

    LD50 = 214 mg / kg (en ratones)

    Urobenyl Informacion de Pacientes

    Patients should be informed of the following:

    1. They should be cautioned to discontinue allopurinol and to consult their physician immediately at the first sign of a skin rash, painful urination, blood in the urine, irritation of the eyes, or swelling of the lips or mouth.
    2. They should be reminded to continue drug therapy prescribed for gouty attacks since optimal benefit of allopurinol may be delayed for two to six weeks.
    3. They should be encouraged to increase fluid intake during therapy to prevent renal stones.
    4. If a single dose of allopurinol is occasionally forgotten, there is no need to double the dose at the next scheduled time.
    5. There may be certain risks associated with the concomitant use of allopurinol and dicumarol, sulfinpyrazone, mercaptopurine, azathioprine, ampicillin, amoxicillin and thiazide diuretics, and they should follow the instructions of their physician.
    6. Due to the occasional occurrence of drowsiness, patients should take precautions when engaging in activities where alertness is mandatory.
    7. Patients may wish to take allopurinol after meals to minimize gastric irritation.

    Urobenyl Organismos afectados

    Humanos y otros mamíferos