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A.P.R 15 (lidocaine hydrochloride + menthol) Absorbine JR antifungal liq (menthol + tolnaftate) Absorbine JR extra strength liniment (chloroxylenol + menthol) Absorbine analgesic creme (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Absorbine arthritis strength liquid (capsicum + menthol) Absorbine junior patch (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Absorbine power gel (chloroxylenol + menthol) Acti bleu lotion (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate) Acti poultice (eucalyptus oil + magnesium sulfate + menthol + methyl salicylate + thymol) Acti vapo (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Adult formula (belladonna + bryonia + drosera rotundifolia + ipecac + menthol + oil of turpentine + peppermint + spongia tosta + sticta pulmonaria + wild thyme) Amber mouthwash - liq (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol) Amol (cinnamon oil + clove oil + lavender oil + menthol + myristica oil + oil of citronella + oil of lemon + peppermint oil) Analgesic sport stick (menthol + methyl salicylate) Anbesol liquid (benzocaine + camphor + menthol + phenol) Anifen cough DPS (fennel oil + menthol + oil of anise) Antiseptic mouth rinse - liq (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol) Antiseptic mouthwash cool mint (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol) Antiseptic mouthwash mint (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol) Arthricare for women nighttime (menthol + methyl nicotinate + methyl salicylate) Arthricare for women ultra strength (capsaicin (capsicum oleoresin) + menthol) Arthriflex (eucalyptol + menthol) Arthritis pain reliever herbalife (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate) Arthro rheuma cream (camphor + menthol) Arthrocare lotion (camphor + eucalyptus oil + histamine dihydrochloride + menthol + methyl salicylate) Artrikor creme analgesique (camphor + capsaicin + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Artritol creme rubefiante (menthol + methyl salicylate) Avon healthy remedies menthol & camphor soothing relief gel (camphor + menthol) Balminil camphorub (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol) Balminil nasal ointment (camphor + chlorobutanol + ephedrine hydrochloride + eucalyptol + l-menthol) Banana boat sooth-a-caine spray gel (lidocaine + menthol) Baumodyne gel (menthol + methyl salicylate) Beech nut black cough drop (menthol + oil of anise) Beech nut black cough drops (menthol + oil of anise) Beech nut honey lemon cough drop (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Beech nut honey lemon cough drops (eucalyptus + menthol) Beech nut menthol cough drop (anethole + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Beech nut wild cherry cough DPS (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Beech nut wild cherry cough drop (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Beech nut wild cherry cough drops (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Beech-nut menthol cough drops (anethole + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Ben-gay arthritis pain rub ont (menthol + methyl salicylate) Ben-gay ultra strength pain relieving rub (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate) Bengay arthritis extra strength (menthol + methyl salicylate) Bengay muscle pain regular strength (menthol + methyl salicylate) Bengay muscle pain ultra strength (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate) Bentasil cherry (anethole + menthol) Bentasil extra strength eucalyptus (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Bentasil extra strength menthol (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Bentasil green (anethole + eucalyptol + menthol) Bentasil honey-lemon (anethole + menthol) Bentasil red (anethole + menthol) Bentasil yellow (anethole + menthol) Benylin DM-d-e extra strength with menthactin (dextromethorphan hydrobromide + guaifenesin + menthol + pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) Benylin DM-e extra strength with menthactin (dextromethorphan hydrobromide + guaifenesin + menthol) Benylin e extra strength with menthactin (guaifenesin + menthol) Benylin first defense cough lozenges (echinacea (echinacea angustifolia, echinacea purpurea) + menthol (peppermint oil)) Benylin first defense herbal syrup (echinacea (echinacea angustifolia) + menthol (peppermint oil)) Bigeloil (alcohol anhydrous + menthol + methyl salicylate + salicylic acid + thymol) Bigeloil liquid gel (alcohol anhydrous + menthol + methyl salicylate + thymol) Biofreeze (camphor + menthol) Bite relief (benzocaine + camphor + menthol + phenol) Braceoil (alcohol anhydrous + camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate + salicylic acid + thymol) Bronchex cough syrup (ammonia + ammonium carbonate + ammonium chloride + glycerine + glycyrrhiza glabra + menthol + oil of fir + white pine) Bronchilon cough pastilles (eucalyptus + menthol) Broncho rub (camphor + menthol + oil of cajeput + turpentine) Bronchodex vapo ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Bronchodex-rub (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Bronchyl SYR (alcohol anhydrous + beechwood creosote + cocillana + eucalyptus + guaiacol oleate + ipecac + lobelia inflata + menthol + myroxylon balsamum + theophylline + white pine) Buckley's bedtime (diphenhydramine hydrochloride + menthol) Buckley's complete (acetaminophen + menthol) Buckley's mixture (ammonium carbonate + camphor + menthol + potassium bicarbonate) Buckley's pain relief rub (menthol + methyl salicylate) Buckley's white rub (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate + thymol) Cal mo dol ont (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate + oil of turpentine + peppermint oil) Calmitol itching relief ont (camphor + chloral hydrate + hyoscyamine + menthol + zinc oxide) Campho rex (camphor + menthol) Camphorated ointment compound (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol) Camphro septhal ont (camphor + eucalyptus + menthol + methyl salicylate) Carboseptol (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate + thymol + zinc oxide) Chapstick medicated lip balm - STK (camphor + menthol + petrolatum + phenol) Chapstick medicated lip balm - tube (camphor + menthol + petrolatum + phenol) Chase coldsorex (benzoin + camphor + menthol + MYRRH) Chest rub ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Chloraseptic sore throat lozenges - cherry (benzocaine + menthol) Chloraseptic sore throat lozenges - menthol (benzocaine + menthol) Chloraseptic sore throat relief strips (benzocaine + menthol) Choates veterinary horse liniment (camphor + capsicum + menthol) Cold sore lotion (benzoin + camphor + menthol) Cool mint antiseptic mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol) Coolmint antiseptic mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol) Cou formula (belladonna + bryonia + drosera rotundifolia + ipecac + menthol + spongia tosta + sticta pulmonaria + wild thyme) Cuticura medicated body powder (menthol + zinc oxide) DR. C's itch not lotion (camphor + menthol) DR.'s cream (capsaicin + menthol + methyl salicylate) Deep heating ultra strength rub CRM (menthol + methyl salicylate) Denorex medicated shampoo - regular (chloroxylenol + coal tar + menthol) Denorex medicated shampoo spring fresh (chloroxylenol + coal tar + menthol) Dentalgar liq (benzocaine + camphor + clove oil + guaiacol + menthol) Dermarest plus - gel (diphenhydramine hydrochloride + menthol) Dermoplast (benzocaine + menthol) Dermoplast aerosol spray (benzethonium chloride + benzocaine + menthol + oxyquinoline benzoate) Eagle brand medicated oil (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Em eukal cough DPS (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Eucamenth (eucalyptus oil + menthol + oil of camphor) Expectorine (ammonium chloride + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Extra strength gold bond (menthol + zinc oxide) Flex-o-flex (capsaicin + menthol) Flex-o-flex extra-fort (capsaicin + menthol) Flex-o-flex kamu (camphor + menthol) Flexall stick (menthol + menthyl salicylate) Flexogan arthritis pain (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate) Flexogan muscle pain (camphor + menthol) Flexogan sport (camphor + menthol) Flexogan sport ultra (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate) Formula t.t. cold sore cream (camphor + menthol + phenol) Formule 12 (eucalyptol + menthol) Forshner's blue lotion (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Freeze liq (camphor + ethyl ether + glycerine + isopropyl alcohol + menthol) Fresh taste antiseptic mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol) Gold bond (menthol + zinc oxide) Gold bond extra strength medicated body lotion (dimethicone + menthol) Gold bond medicated body powder (menthol + zinc oxide) Gold bond medicated cream 28G (menthol + pramoxine hydrochloride) Gold bond medicated lotion (regular strength) (dimethicone + menthol) Gouttes dentaires (benzocaine + camphor + clove oil + guaiacol + menthol) Halls blueberry (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls centres cherry lozenges (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls centres honey lemon (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls centres honey-lemon loz (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls centres regular (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls extra strong (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls extra strong mentho-lyptus cough tab (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls extra strong mentho-lyptus cough tablets (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls lemon-lime (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho lyptus cough tab (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho lyptus cough tab black currant (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho lyptus cough tab cherry (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho lyptus cough tab honey lemon (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho lyptus tab coolmint (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets black cherry (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets black currant (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets cherry (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets cool mint (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets honey lemon (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets mountain menthol (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets orange (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets regular (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets strawberry (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Heat rub (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Herbal medicated lozenge (echinacea angustifolia + echinacea purpurea + menthol) Herbal throat lozenges (camphor + elm bark + horehound + menthol + parsley + thyme) Herbon cough drops adventurous tingle with a hint of orange flavour (echinacea (echinacea angustifolia, echinacea purpurea) + glycyrrhiza glabra + menthol) Herbon cough drops glacial mint (chamomile + echinacea (echinacea angustifolia, echinacea purpurea) + eucalyptus oil + fritillaria cirrhosa + horehound + menthol + salvia + thyme) Herbon lemon honey flavour herbal throat drops (echinacea (echinacea angustifolia, echinacea purpurea) + menthol) Herbon wild cherry flavour throat drops (echinacea (echinacea angustifolia, echinacea purpurea) + glycyrrhiza glabra + lime tree flower + menthol + sambucus nigra + wild cherry) Honey lemon menthol eucalyptus cough DPS (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Infraline liq (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate) Inno rheuma massage oil (lavender oil + menthol + rosemary oil) Instant rub ointment (menthol + methyl salicylate) Itch nix (camphor + menthol) Kama sutra pleasure balm (benzocaine + camphor + menthol) Kiro rub (menthol + methyl salicylate) Kiro rub ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Kiro-rub (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate) Kiroflex (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + thymol) Kobi - CRM (menthol + methyl salicylate) Koffex DM-d-e - liq (dextromethorphan hydrobromide + guaifenesin + pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) Kwan loong oil (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Kwan tak hing plaster - pad-PLS (borneol + menthol) Lakota topical pain reliever (capsaicin + menthol) Lakota topical pain reliever - extra strength (capsaicin + menthol) Lamberts SYR (menthol + pine tar) Leg paint & sweat (glycerine + iodine + isopropyl alcohol + menthol + phenol + potassium iodide) Leg solution (iodine + menthol + methyl salicylate + potassium iodide + thymol) Lin o gel (camphor + clove oil + iodine + isopropyl alcohol + menthol + thymol + turpentine) Lip conditioner lip balm (camphor + menthol + meradimate + padimate o + phenol) Lip medex (camphor + menthol + phenol) Lipsorex (benzethonium chloride + menthol + thymol) Lipsorex - gel (benzethonium chloride + menthol + thymol) Lipsorex plus (benzethonium chloride + lidocaine + menthol + thymol) Lipsorex-gel (benzethonium chloride + menthol + thymol) Listerine antiseptic mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol) Listerine antiseptic mouthwash with fluoride (eucalyptol + menthol + sodium fluoride + thymol) Listerine antiseptic tartar control mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol + zinc chloride) Lofthouse origin ext-strong fisherman friend (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Lotion bleu (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate) Lotion pour feux sauvages (benzoin + camphor + menthol + MYRRH) Marathon deep heat rub (menthol + methyl salicylate) Marco rub camphorated ont (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol) Medi-kool pak (aluminum sulfate + arnica + boric acid + calcium acetate + camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate + tannic acid) Medi-kool titener (arnica + camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate + tannic acid) Medicated blistex DCT lip balm (camphor + menthol + meradimate + padimate o + phenol) Medicated blistex DCT lip balm (camphor + menthol + octinoxate + oxybenzone + phenol) Medicated body powder (menthol + zinc oxide) Medicated chest rub (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Medicated chest rub - ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Medicated chest rub - ont top (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Medicated ointment (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Medicated vapourizer fluid (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Medimentol ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + oil of camphor + oil of fir + turpentine) Menthacin - cream (capsaicin + menthol) Menthacin cream (capsaicin + menthol) Menthacin lotion (capsaicin + menthol) Mentholatum cough drops (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Mentholatum deep heating lot (menthol + methyl salicylate) Mentholatum deep heating rub (menthol + methyl salicylate) Mentholatum extra strength ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Mentholatum ont (camphor + menthol) Minard's joint relief (menthol + methyl salicylate) Multi rub (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate) Multi-freeze ont (camphor + isopropyl alcohol + menthol) Muscle liniment (camphor + isopropyl alcohol + menthol + oil of dwarf pine needles) Muscle mist (clove oil + menthol) Myoflex extra strength ice (menthol + trolamine salicylate) Myoflex ice cold plus - gel (menthol + trolamine salicylate) Myoflex ice plus - CRM (menthol + trolamine salicylate) MÉdi-rub (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Natur 911 (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + phenol + thymol) Naturland sports cream (camphor + menthol) Nose head clear (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Obus form therapeutic heat rub (menthol + methyl salicylate) Onguent camphre menthol alsi (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol) Onguent vaporisant (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Orajel denture plus (benzocaine + menthol) Orajel multi-action cold sore medicine (allantoin + benzocaine + camphor + dimethicone + menthol + white petrolatum) Orajel ultra canker sore medicine (benzocaine + menthol) Original antiseptic mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol) Orthorub (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate) Pain buster 2000 (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Pain relieving ointment (camphor + cinnamon oil + clove oil + mentha arvensis + menthol + oil of cajeput) Pain relieving salonpas patch (camphor + l-menthol + methyl salicylate) Pain-a-trate cream (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate) Pastilles valda (eucalyptol + guaiacol + menthol + terpin hydrate + thymol) Penetrating rub ont (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate + oil of cajeput + oil of mustard expressed) Physio-rub (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate) Physiorub plus (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate) Phytorub ont (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate) Polar ice paste (camphor + isopropyl alcohol + menthol) Pommade au the des bois (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate) Poudre (menthol + zinc oxide) Pramegel 1% (menthol + pramoxine hydrochloride) Prosync muscle rub (menthol + methyl salicylate) Pulmoll menthol - eucalyptol pastilles (eucalyptus oil + menthol + peppermint oil) Pulmoll pastilles (glycyrrhizin + menthol) Pulmosirum decongestionnant sirop (beechwood creosote + cocillana + eucalyptus + guaiacol + ipecac + lobelia inflata + menthol + myroxylon balsamum + pseudoephedrine hydrochloride + white pine) Pulmosirum plus expectorant (ammonium chloride + beechwood creosote + cocillana + eucalyptus oil + guaiacol + guaifenesin + ipecac + lobelia inflata + menthol + myroxylon balsamum + white pine) R76 (aconite + ammi visnaga + convallaria majalis + drosera rotundifolia + lobelia inflata + menthol + potassium iodide + stramonium) Rheila medicated cough DPS (glycyrrhiza glabra + menthol) Rheumalan ont (belladonna + camphor + capsicum oleoresin + croton oil + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate + oil of mustard expressed + salicylic acid) Rhino-vaccin (camphor + chlorobutanol + eucalyptol + l-ephedrine hydrochloride + menthol) Rub a 535 ancient secret - natural source (camphor (cinnamomum camphora) + eucalyptus oil (eucalyptus globulus, eucalyptus fructicetorum, eucalyptus smithII) + menthol (peppermint) + methyl salicylate (wintergreen leaf)) Rub a 535 dual action (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Salonpas - PLS top (camphor + glycol salicylate + l-menthol + methyl salicylate + thymol) Salonpas gel-patch (camphor + glycol salicylate + l-menthol) Savex with sunscreen ont (camphor + menthol + salicylic acid) Scalpicin (menthol + salicylic acid) Scarlet oil pump spray (eucalyptus oil + menthol + oil of camphor + oil of thyme + peruvian balsam + phenol + pine oil) Solucodan syrup (hydrocodone bitartrate + menthol + potassium guaiacol sulphonate + sodium citrate) Solucodan-h (diphenylpyraline hydrochloride + hydrocodone bitartrate + menthol + potassium guaiacol sulphonate + sodium citrate) Sore throat lozenges menthol flavour (benzocaine + menthol) Sore throat lozenges with benzocaine and menthol (benzocaine + menthol) Star-vi-dol (ammonium chloride + eucalyptol + menthol + myroxylon balsamum + white pine + wild cherry) Strepsils cherry (amylmetacresol + dichlorobenzyl alcohol + menthol) Sucrets cherry vapour action loz (hexylresorcinol + menthol) Tensol (iodine + menthol + potassium iodide) Thera patch (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate) Therapatch vapor - chest (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Therapatch vapour - nose & chin (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Thermo-gel (benzocaine + camphor + menthol + thymol) Thuna balsam salve ont (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Thunas salve for rheumatic pains (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate) Tiger balm arthritis rub (camphor + clove oil + dementholised mint oil + menthol + oil of cajeput) Tiger balm liniment (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate) Tiger balm patch warm (camphor + capsaicin + dementholised mint oil + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Tiger balm red extra strength (camphor + cinnamon oil + clove oil + menthol + oil of cajeput + peppermint oil) Tiger balm red strong (camphor + cinnamon oil + clove oil + menthol + oil of cajeput + peppermint oil) Tiger balm ultra (camphor + cinnamon oil + clove oil + menthol + oil of cajeput + peppermint oil) Tiger balm white extra strength (camphor + clove oil + menthol + oil of cajeput + peppermint oil) Tiger balm white regular (camphor + clove oil + menthol + oil of cajeput + peppermint oil) Tobtox (benzene + cactus grandiflorus + coffea tosta + daphne indica + delphinium staphisagria + eucalyptus + lobelia inflata + lycopodium clavatum + menthol + naphthalene + nitric acid + oats + phosphorus + potassium phosphate dibasic + tobacco) Trialine (menthol + methyl salicylate) Triaminic vapour patch (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Valda pastilles (eucalyptol + guaiacol + menthol + terpin hydrate + thymol) Valda pastilles lemon flavoured (eucalyptol + guaiacol + menthol + terpin hydrate + thymol) Vaporisateur medicamente (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol + thymol) Vaporisateur medicamente aero (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + thymol) Vaporizing colds rub - ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Vapourizing colds rub (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Vicks inhaler (camphor + menthol) Vicks vapo steam medication (camphor + eucalyptus oil + lavender oil + menthol + methyl salicylate + peppermint oil) Vicks vaporub lemon ointment (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Vicks vaporub lotion (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol) Vitarub ont (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate) Watkins analgesic balm (capsicum oleoresin + menthol + methyl salicylate + oil of turpentine) Watkins medicated ointment (camphor + menthol) Watkins medicated ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + oil of camphor + phenol) White flower analgesic balm (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate + peppermint oil) Wonder oil (alcohol anhydrous + camphor + clove oil + menthol + oil of sassafras) Wonder oil (clove oil + menthol) Wood lock medicated balm (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate + oil of turpentine) Wrigley's alpine (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Wrigley's alpine cherry (eucalyptus oil + menthol) Youngflex massage ointment 168 (eucalyptus oil + menthol + oil of cajeput) Zev (ammonium carbonate + buckthorn + camphor + menthol + potassium bicarbonate + squill) Zilactin-lip (regular and cherry flavour) (dimethicone + homosalate + menthol + octinoxate + oxybenzone)
Formula quimica
RX enlace
FDA hoja
MSDS (hoja de seguridad de materiales)
Sintesis de referencia
No hay información disponible
Peso molecular
344.488 g/mol
Punto de fusion
156.5 oC
H2O Solubilidad
No hay información disponible
Formas de dosificacion
Gotas (5 ml, 10 ml)
Para el tratamiento de la conjuntivitis alérgica, conjuntivitis vernal, epiescleritis, y la sensibilidad de la epinefrina.
Medrisona es un anti-inflamatorio tópico corticoidsteroids para uso oftálmico. En los pacientes con presión intraocular elevada y en aquellos susceptibles a un aumento de la presión intraocular, hay menos efecto sobre la presión con medrisona que con dexametasona o betametasona. Corticoidsteroids inhibir el edema, la deposición de fibrina, la dilatación capilar y la migración fagocítica de la inflamación aguda respuesta, así como la proliferación capilar, la deposición del colágeno y la formación de cicatrices.
Absorbe rápidamente tras su administración oral.
No hay información disponible
Informacion de Pacientes
Organismos afectados
Humanos y otros mamíferos