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Coques du levant Brand names, Coques du levant Analogs

Coques du levant Brand Names Mixture

  • A.P.R 15 (lidocaine hydrochloride + menthol)
  • Absorbine JR antifungal liq (menthol + tolnaftate)
  • Absorbine JR extra strength liniment (chloroxylenol + menthol)
  • Absorbine analgesic creme (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Absorbine arthritis strength liquid (capsicum + menthol)
  • Absorbine junior patch (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Absorbine power gel (chloroxylenol + menthol)
  • Acti bleu lotion (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Acti poultice (eucalyptus oil + magnesium sulfate + menthol + methyl salicylate + thymol)
  • Acti vapo (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Adult formula (belladonna + bryonia + drosera rotundifolia + ipecac + menthol + oil of turpentine + peppermint + spongia tosta + sticta pulmonaria + wild thyme)
  • Amber mouthwash - liq (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol)
  • Amol (cinnamon oil + clove oil + lavender oil + menthol + myristica oil + oil of citronella + oil of lemon + peppermint oil)
  • Analgesic sport stick (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Anbesol liquid (benzocaine + camphor + menthol + phenol)
  • Anifen cough DPS (fennel oil + menthol + oil of anise)
  • Antiseptic mouth rinse - liq (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol)
  • Antiseptic mouthwash cool mint (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol)
  • Antiseptic mouthwash mint (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol)
  • Arthricare for women nighttime (menthol + methyl nicotinate + methyl salicylate)
  • Arthricare for women ultra strength (capsaicin (capsicum oleoresin) + menthol)
  • Arthriflex (eucalyptol + menthol)
  • Arthritis pain reliever herbalife (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Arthro rheuma cream (camphor + menthol)
  • Arthrocare lotion (camphor + eucalyptus oil + histamine dihydrochloride + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Artrikor creme analgesique (camphor + capsaicin + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Artritol creme rubefiante (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Avon healthy remedies menthol & camphor soothing relief gel (camphor + menthol)
  • Balminil camphorub (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol)
  • Balminil nasal ointment (camphor + chlorobutanol + ephedrine hydrochloride + eucalyptol + l-menthol)
  • Banana boat sooth-a-caine spray gel (lidocaine + menthol)
  • Baumodyne gel (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Beech nut black cough drop (menthol + oil of anise)
  • Beech nut black cough drops (menthol + oil of anise)
  • Beech nut honey lemon cough drop (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Beech nut honey lemon cough drops (eucalyptus + menthol)
  • Beech nut menthol cough drop (anethole + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Beech nut wild cherry cough DPS (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Beech nut wild cherry cough drop (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Beech nut wild cherry cough drops (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Beech-nut menthol cough drops (anethole + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Ben-gay arthritis pain rub ont (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Ben-gay ultra strength pain relieving rub (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Bengay arthritis extra strength (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Bengay muscle pain regular strength (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Bengay muscle pain ultra strength (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Bentasil cherry (anethole + menthol)
  • Bentasil extra strength eucalyptus (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Bentasil extra strength menthol (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Bentasil green (anethole + eucalyptol + menthol)
  • Bentasil honey-lemon (anethole + menthol)
  • Bentasil red (anethole + menthol)
  • Bentasil yellow (anethole + menthol)
  • Benylin DM-d-e extra strength with menthactin (dextromethorphan hydrobromide + guaifenesin + menthol + pseudoephedrine hydrochloride)
  • Benylin DM-e extra strength with menthactin (dextromethorphan hydrobromide + guaifenesin + menthol)
  • Benylin e extra strength with menthactin (guaifenesin + menthol)
  • Benylin first defense cough lozenges (echinacea (echinacea angustifolia, echinacea purpurea) + menthol (peppermint oil))
  • Benylin first defense herbal syrup (echinacea (echinacea angustifolia) + menthol (peppermint oil))
  • Bigeloil (alcohol anhydrous + menthol + methyl salicylate + salicylic acid + thymol)
  • Bigeloil liquid gel (alcohol anhydrous + menthol + methyl salicylate + thymol)
  • Biofreeze (camphor + menthol)
  • Bite relief (benzocaine + camphor + menthol + phenol)
  • Braceoil (alcohol anhydrous + camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate + salicylic acid + thymol)
  • Bronchex cough syrup (ammonia + ammonium carbonate + ammonium chloride + glycerine + glycyrrhiza glabra + menthol + oil of fir + white pine)
  • Bronchilon cough pastilles (eucalyptus + menthol)
  • Broncho rub (camphor + menthol + oil of cajeput + turpentine)
  • Bronchodex vapo ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Bronchodex-rub (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Bronchyl SYR (alcohol anhydrous + beechwood creosote + cocillana + eucalyptus + guaiacol oleate + ipecac + lobelia inflata + menthol + myroxylon balsamum + theophylline + white pine)
  • Buckley's bedtime (diphenhydramine hydrochloride + menthol)
  • Buckley's complete (acetaminophen + menthol)
  • Buckley's mixture (ammonium carbonate + camphor + menthol + potassium bicarbonate)
  • Buckley's pain relief rub (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Buckley's white rub (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate + thymol)
  • Cal mo dol ont (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate + oil of turpentine + peppermint oil)
  • Calmitol itching relief ont (camphor + chloral hydrate + hyoscyamine + menthol + zinc oxide)
  • Campho rex (camphor + menthol)
  • Camphorated ointment compound (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol)
  • Camphro septhal ont (camphor + eucalyptus + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Carboseptol (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate + thymol + zinc oxide)
  • Chapstick medicated lip balm - STK (camphor + menthol + petrolatum + phenol)
  • Chapstick medicated lip balm - tube (camphor + menthol + petrolatum + phenol)
  • Chase coldsorex (benzoin + camphor + menthol + MYRRH)
  • Chest rub ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Chloraseptic sore throat lozenges - cherry (benzocaine + menthol)
  • Chloraseptic sore throat lozenges - menthol (benzocaine + menthol)
  • Chloraseptic sore throat relief strips (benzocaine + menthol)
  • Choates veterinary horse liniment (camphor + capsicum + menthol)
  • Cold sore lotion (benzoin + camphor + menthol)
  • Cool mint antiseptic mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol)
  • Coolmint antiseptic mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol)
  • Cou formula (belladonna + bryonia + drosera rotundifolia + ipecac + menthol + spongia tosta + sticta pulmonaria + wild thyme)
  • Cuticura medicated body powder (menthol + zinc oxide)
  • DR. C's itch not lotion (camphor + menthol)
  • DR.'s cream (capsaicin + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Deep heating ultra strength rub CRM (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Denorex medicated shampoo - regular (chloroxylenol + coal tar + menthol)
  • Denorex medicated shampoo spring fresh (chloroxylenol + coal tar + menthol)
  • Dentalgar liq (benzocaine + camphor + clove oil + guaiacol + menthol)
  • Dermarest plus - gel (diphenhydramine hydrochloride + menthol)
  • Dermoplast (benzocaine + menthol)
  • Dermoplast aerosol spray (benzethonium chloride + benzocaine + menthol + oxyquinoline benzoate)
  • Eagle brand medicated oil (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Em eukal cough DPS (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Eucamenth (eucalyptus oil + menthol + oil of camphor)
  • Expectorine (ammonium chloride + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Extra strength gold bond (menthol + zinc oxide)
  • Flex-o-flex (capsaicin + menthol)
  • Flex-o-flex extra-fort (capsaicin + menthol)
  • Flex-o-flex kamu (camphor + menthol)
  • Flexall stick (menthol + menthyl salicylate)
  • Flexogan arthritis pain (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Flexogan muscle pain (camphor + menthol)
  • Flexogan sport (camphor + menthol)
  • Flexogan sport ultra (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Formula t.t. cold sore cream (camphor + menthol + phenol)
  • Formule 12 (eucalyptol + menthol)
  • Forshner's blue lotion (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Freeze liq (camphor + ethyl ether + glycerine + isopropyl alcohol + menthol)
  • Fresh taste antiseptic mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol)
  • Gold bond (menthol + zinc oxide)
  • Gold bond extra strength medicated body lotion (dimethicone + menthol)
  • Gold bond medicated body powder (menthol + zinc oxide)
  • Gold bond medicated cream 28G (menthol + pramoxine hydrochloride)
  • Gold bond medicated lotion (regular strength) (dimethicone + menthol)
  • Gouttes dentaires (benzocaine + camphor + clove oil + guaiacol + menthol)
  • Halls blueberry (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls centres cherry lozenges (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls centres honey lemon (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls centres honey-lemon loz (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls centres regular (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls extra strong (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls extra strong mentho-lyptus cough tab (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls extra strong mentho-lyptus cough tablets (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls lemon-lime (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho lyptus cough tab (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho lyptus cough tab black currant (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho lyptus cough tab cherry (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho lyptus cough tab honey lemon (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho lyptus tab coolmint (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets black cherry (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets black currant (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets cherry (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets cool mint (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets honey lemon (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets mountain menthol (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets orange (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets regular (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Halls mentho-lyptus cough tablets strawberry (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Heat rub (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Herbal medicated lozenge (echinacea angustifolia + echinacea purpurea + menthol)
  • Herbal throat lozenges (camphor + elm bark + horehound + menthol + parsley + thyme)
  • Herbon cough drops adventurous tingle with a hint of orange flavour (echinacea (echinacea angustifolia, echinacea purpurea) + glycyrrhiza glabra + menthol)
  • Herbon cough drops glacial mint (chamomile + echinacea (echinacea angustifolia, echinacea purpurea) + eucalyptus oil + fritillaria cirrhosa + horehound + menthol + salvia + thyme)
  • Herbon lemon honey flavour herbal throat drops (echinacea (echinacea angustifolia, echinacea purpurea) + menthol)
  • Herbon wild cherry flavour throat drops (echinacea (echinacea angustifolia, echinacea purpurea) + glycyrrhiza glabra + lime tree flower + menthol + sambucus nigra + wild cherry)
  • Honey lemon menthol eucalyptus cough DPS (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Infraline liq (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Inno rheuma massage oil (lavender oil + menthol + rosemary oil)
  • Instant rub ointment (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Itch nix (camphor + menthol)
  • Kama sutra pleasure balm (benzocaine + camphor + menthol)
  • Kiro rub (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Kiro rub ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Kiro-rub (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Kiroflex (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + thymol)
  • Kobi - CRM (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Koffex DM-d-e - liq (dextromethorphan hydrobromide + guaifenesin + pseudoephedrine hydrochloride)
  • Kwan loong oil (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Kwan tak hing plaster - pad-PLS (borneol + menthol)
  • Lakota topical pain reliever (capsaicin + menthol)
  • Lakota topical pain reliever - extra strength (capsaicin + menthol)
  • Lamberts SYR (menthol + pine tar)
  • Leg paint & sweat (glycerine + iodine + isopropyl alcohol + menthol + phenol + potassium iodide)
  • Leg solution (iodine + menthol + methyl salicylate + potassium iodide + thymol)
  • Lin o gel (camphor + clove oil + iodine + isopropyl alcohol + menthol + thymol + turpentine)
  • Lip conditioner lip balm (camphor + menthol + meradimate + padimate o + phenol)
  • Lip medex (camphor + menthol + phenol)
  • Lipsorex (benzethonium chloride + menthol + thymol)
  • Lipsorex - gel (benzethonium chloride + menthol + thymol)
  • Lipsorex plus (benzethonium chloride + lidocaine + menthol + thymol)
  • Lipsorex-gel (benzethonium chloride + menthol + thymol)
  • Listerine antiseptic mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol)
  • Listerine antiseptic mouthwash with fluoride (eucalyptol + menthol + sodium fluoride + thymol)
  • Listerine antiseptic tartar control mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol + zinc chloride)
  • Lofthouse origin ext-strong fisherman friend (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Lotion bleu (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Lotion pour feux sauvages (benzoin + camphor + menthol + MYRRH)
  • Marathon deep heat rub (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Marco rub camphorated ont (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol)
  • Medi-kool pak (aluminum sulfate + arnica + boric acid + calcium acetate + camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate + tannic acid)
  • Medi-kool titener (arnica + camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate + tannic acid)
  • Medicated blistex DCT lip balm (camphor + menthol + meradimate + padimate o + phenol)
  • Medicated blistex DCT lip balm (camphor + menthol + octinoxate + oxybenzone + phenol)
  • Medicated body powder (menthol + zinc oxide)
  • Medicated chest rub (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Medicated chest rub - ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Medicated chest rub - ont top (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Medicated ointment (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Medicated vapourizer fluid (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Medimentol ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + oil of camphor + oil of fir + turpentine)
  • Menthacin - cream (capsaicin + menthol)
  • Menthacin cream (capsaicin + menthol)
  • Menthacin lotion (capsaicin + menthol)
  • Mentholatum cough drops (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Mentholatum deep heating lot (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Mentholatum deep heating rub (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Mentholatum extra strength ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Mentholatum ont (camphor + menthol)
  • Minard's joint relief (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Multi rub (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Multi-freeze ont (camphor + isopropyl alcohol + menthol)
  • Muscle liniment (camphor + isopropyl alcohol + menthol + oil of dwarf pine needles)
  • Muscle mist (clove oil + menthol)
  • Myoflex extra strength ice (menthol + trolamine salicylate)
  • Myoflex ice cold plus - gel (menthol + trolamine salicylate)
  • Myoflex ice plus - CRM (menthol + trolamine salicylate)
  • di-rub (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Natur 911 (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + phenol + thymol)
  • Naturland sports cream (camphor + menthol)
  • Nose head clear (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Obus form therapeutic heat rub (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Onguent camphre menthol alsi (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol)
  • Onguent vaporisant (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Orajel denture plus (benzocaine + menthol)
  • Orajel multi-action cold sore medicine (allantoin + benzocaine + camphor + dimethicone + menthol + white petrolatum)
  • Orajel ultra canker sore medicine (benzocaine + menthol)
  • Original antiseptic mouthwash (eucalyptol + menthol + thymol)
  • Orthorub (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Pain buster 2000 (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Pain relieving ointment (camphor + cinnamon oil + clove oil + mentha arvensis + menthol + oil of cajeput)
  • Pain relieving salonpas patch (camphor + l-menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Pain-a-trate cream (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Pastilles valda (eucalyptol + guaiacol + menthol + terpin hydrate + thymol)
  • Penetrating rub ont (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate + oil of cajeput + oil of mustard expressed)
  • Physio-rub (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Physiorub plus (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Phytorub ont (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Polar ice paste (camphor + isopropyl alcohol + menthol)
  • Pommade au the des bois (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Poudre (menthol + zinc oxide)
  • Pramegel 1% (menthol + pramoxine hydrochloride)
  • Prosync muscle rub (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Pulmoll menthol - eucalyptol pastilles (eucalyptus oil + menthol + peppermint oil)
  • Pulmoll pastilles (glycyrrhizin + menthol)
  • Pulmosirum decongestionnant sirop (beechwood creosote + cocillana + eucalyptus + guaiacol + ipecac + lobelia inflata + menthol + myroxylon balsamum + pseudoephedrine hydrochloride + white pine)
  • Pulmosirum plus expectorant (ammonium chloride + beechwood creosote + cocillana + eucalyptus oil + guaiacol + guaifenesin + ipecac + lobelia inflata + menthol + myroxylon balsamum + white pine)
  • R76 (aconite + ammi visnaga + convallaria majalis + drosera rotundifolia + lobelia inflata + menthol + potassium iodide + stramonium)
  • Rheila medicated cough DPS (glycyrrhiza glabra + menthol)
  • Rheumalan ont (belladonna + camphor + capsicum oleoresin + croton oil + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate + oil of mustard expressed + salicylic acid)
  • Rhino-vaccin (camphor + chlorobutanol + eucalyptol + l-ephedrine hydrochloride + menthol)
  • Rub a 535 ancient secret - natural source (camphor (cinnamomum camphora) + eucalyptus oil (eucalyptus globulus, eucalyptus fructicetorum, eucalyptus smithII) + menthol (peppermint) + methyl salicylate (wintergreen leaf))
  • Rub a 535 dual action (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Salonpas - PLS top (camphor + glycol salicylate + l-menthol + methyl salicylate + thymol)
  • Salonpas gel-patch (camphor + glycol salicylate + l-menthol)
  • Savex with sunscreen ont (camphor + menthol + salicylic acid)
  • Scalpicin (menthol + salicylic acid)
  • Scarlet oil pump spray (eucalyptus oil + menthol + oil of camphor + oil of thyme + peruvian balsam + phenol + pine oil)
  • Solucodan syrup (hydrocodone bitartrate + menthol + potassium guaiacol sulphonate + sodium citrate)
  • Solucodan-h (diphenylpyraline hydrochloride + hydrocodone bitartrate + menthol + potassium guaiacol sulphonate + sodium citrate)
  • Sore throat lozenges menthol flavour (benzocaine + menthol)
  • Sore throat lozenges with benzocaine and menthol (benzocaine + menthol)
  • Star-vi-dol (ammonium chloride + eucalyptol + menthol + myroxylon balsamum + white pine + wild cherry)
  • Strepsils cherry (amylmetacresol + dichlorobenzyl alcohol + menthol)
  • Sucrets cherry vapour action loz (hexylresorcinol + menthol)
  • Tensol (iodine + menthol + potassium iodide)
  • Thera patch (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Therapatch vapor - chest (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Therapatch vapour - nose & chin (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Thermo-gel (benzocaine + camphor + menthol + thymol)
  • Thuna balsam salve ont (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Thunas salve for rheumatic pains (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Tiger balm arthritis rub (camphor + clove oil + dementholised mint oil + menthol + oil of cajeput)
  • Tiger balm liniment (eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Tiger balm patch warm (camphor + capsaicin + dementholised mint oil + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Tiger balm red extra strength (camphor + cinnamon oil + clove oil + menthol + oil of cajeput + peppermint oil)
  • Tiger balm red strong (camphor + cinnamon oil + clove oil + menthol + oil of cajeput + peppermint oil)
  • Tiger balm ultra (camphor + cinnamon oil + clove oil + menthol + oil of cajeput + peppermint oil)
  • Tiger balm white extra strength (camphor + clove oil + menthol + oil of cajeput + peppermint oil)
  • Tiger balm white regular (camphor + clove oil + menthol + oil of cajeput + peppermint oil)
  • Tobtox (benzene + cactus grandiflorus + coffea tosta + daphne indica + delphinium staphisagria + eucalyptus + lobelia inflata + lycopodium clavatum + menthol + naphthalene + nitric acid + oats + phosphorus + potassium phosphate dibasic + tobacco)
  • Trialine (menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Triaminic vapour patch (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Valda pastilles (eucalyptol + guaiacol + menthol + terpin hydrate + thymol)
  • Valda pastilles lemon flavoured (eucalyptol + guaiacol + menthol + terpin hydrate + thymol)
  • Vaporisateur medicamente (camphor + eucalyptol + menthol + thymol)
  • Vaporisateur medicamente aero (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + thymol)
  • Vaporizing colds rub - ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Vapourizing colds rub (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Vicks inhaler (camphor + menthol)
  • Vicks vapo steam medication (camphor + eucalyptus oil + lavender oil + menthol + methyl salicylate + peppermint oil)
  • Vicks vaporub lemon ointment (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Vicks vaporub lotion (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Vitarub ont (eucalyptol + menthol + methyl salicylate)
  • Watkins analgesic balm (capsicum oleoresin + menthol + methyl salicylate + oil of turpentine)
  • Watkins medicated ointment (camphor + menthol)
  • Watkins medicated ont (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + oil of camphor + phenol)
  • White flower analgesic balm (camphor + eucalyptus oil + menthol + methyl salicylate + peppermint oil)
  • Wonder oil (alcohol anhydrous + camphor + clove oil + menthol + oil of sassafras)
  • Wonder oil (clove oil + menthol)
  • Wood lock medicated balm (camphor + menthol + methyl salicylate + oil of turpentine)
  • Wrigley's alpine (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Wrigley's alpine cherry (eucalyptus oil + menthol)
  • Youngflex massage ointment 168 (eucalyptus oil + menthol + oil of cajeput)
  • Zev (ammonium carbonate + buckthorn + camphor + menthol + potassium bicarbonate + squill)
  • Zilactin-lip (regular and cherry flavour) (dimethicone + homosalate + menthol + octinoxate + oxybenzone)

Coques du levant Chemical_Formula


Coques du levant RX_link

Coques du levant fda sheet

Coques_du_levant FDA

Coques du levant msds (material safety sheet)

Coques_du_levant MSDS

Coques du levant Synthesis Reference

No information avaliable

Coques du levant Molecular Weight

344.488 g/mol

Coques du levant Melting Point

156.5 oC

Coques du levant H2O Solubility

No information avaliable

Coques du levant State


Coques du levant LogP


Coques du levant Dosage Forms

Drops (5 mL, 10 mL)

Coques du levant Indication

For the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, vernal conjunctivitis, episcleritis, and epinephrine sensitivity.

Coques du levant Pharmacology

Medrysone is a topical anti-inflammatory corticoidsteroids for ophthalmic use. In patients with increased intraocular pressure and in those susceptible to a rise in intraocular pressure, there is less effect on pressure with medrysone than with dexamethasone or betamethasone. Corticoidsteroids inhibit the edema, fibrin deposition, capillary dilation, and phagocytic migration of the acute inflammatory response, as well as capillary proliferation, deposition of collagen, and scar formation.

Coques du levant Absorption

Rapidly absorbed following oral administration.

Coques du levant side effects and Toxicity

No information avaliable

Coques du levant Patient Information

Coques du levant Organisms Affected

Humans and other mammals