Lergine en es it fr


Lergine Nombres de marca, Lergine Analogos

Lergine Marca los nombres de mezcla

  • No information avaliable
  • Lergine Formula quimica


    Lergine RX enlace

    No information avaliable

    Lergine FDA hoja

    Lergine MSDS (hoja de seguridad de materiales)

    Lergine Sintesis de referencia

    Adamson, EE.UU. Pat. 2.891.890 (1959 a Burroughs Wellcome)

    Lergine Peso molecular

    287.44 g/mol

    Lergine Punto de fusion

    86 oC

    Lergine H2O Solubilidad

    Moderadamente soluble en agua, 30 mg / ml

    Lergine Estado


    Lergine LogP


    Lergine Formas de dosificacion

    Tablet; Elixir

    Lergine Indicacion

    Para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Parkinson (especialmente inducida por fármacos)

    Lergine Farmacologia

    Prociclidina tiene una acción similar a la atropina. Sus efectos antiespasmódicos se cree que está relacionada con el bloqueo del centro de receptores colinérgicos M1, M2 y M4. Se utiliza para tratar el parkinsonismo sintomático y de la disfunción extrapiramidales causadas por agentes antipsicóticos.

    Lergine Absorcion

    No hay información disponible

    Lergine Toxicidad

    DL50 = 60 mg / kg (IV en ratones)

    Lergine Informacion de Pacientes

    Patient Information:

    Follow your doctors instructions for taking this medicine. This medicine can be taken with food or a snack,
    to minimize stomach upset. As your body becomes used to the medicine, it should be taken on an empty
    stomach. Talk to your doctor about the best time of day to take the medicine. For patients taking the
    extended-release forms, swallow the tablet whole, do NOT CRUSH or CHEW. You may break the tablet in half
    if the whole pill is too large for you to take.

    This medicine can cause dizziness or drowsiness. Be cautious when driving or performing other hazardous
    activities. This medicine can impair judgment. Do NOT increase your dose of this medicine without first
    talking to your doctor, even if you feel that the medicine is not working.

    Discuss the risks and benefits of using this medicine during pregnancy. It is unknown whether this medicine
    is excreted in breast milk. DO NOT breastfeed while taking this medicine until you have talked to your
    doctor or pediatrician.

    Lergine Organismos afectados

    Humanos y otros mamíferos