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Levacetylmethadol Brand names, Levacetylmethadol Analogs

Levacetylmethadol Brand Names Mixture

  • No information avaliable

Levacetylmethadol Chemical_Formula


Levacetylmethadol RX_link


Levacetylmethadol fda sheet

Levacetylmethadol msds (material safety sheet)

Levacetylmethadol Synthesis Reference

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Levacetylmethadol Molecular Weight

353.498 g/mol

Levacetylmethadol Melting Point

No information avaliable

Levacetylmethadol H2O Solubility

>15 mg/mL

Levacetylmethadol State


Levacetylmethadol LogP


Levacetylmethadol Dosage Forms


Levacetylmethadol Indication

LAAM is indicated for the treatment and management of opiate dependence. It is sometimes used to treat severe pain in terminal patients.

Levacetylmethadol Pharmacology

LAAM is a synthetic synthetic opioid analgesic with multiple actions quantitatively similar to those as morphine, the most prominent of which involve the central nervous system and organs composed of smooth muscle. However, LAAM is more active and more toxic than morphine. The principal actions of therapeutic value are analgesia and sedation and detoxification or temporary maintenance in narcotic addiction. The LAAM abstinence syndrome, although qualitatively similar to that of morphine, differs in that the onset is slower, the course is more prolonged, and the symptoms are less severe.

Levacetylmethadol Absorption

LAAM is rapidly absorbed from an oral solution.

Levacetylmethadol side effects and Toxicity

Signs of overdose include apnea, circulatory collapse, pulmonary edema, cardiac arrest, and death.

Levacetylmethadol Patient Information

No information avaliable

Levacetylmethadol Organisms Affected

Humans and other mammals