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Quark Marchi, Quark Analoghi

Quark Marchi miscela

  • No information avaliable
  • Quark Formula chimica


    Quark RX link


    Quark FDA foglio

    Quark DMS (foglio di materiale di sicurezza)

    Quark MSDS

    Quark Sintesi di riferimento

    EH Gold et al. US Pat. 4.587.258 (1967).

    Quark Peso molecolare

    416.511 g/mol

    Quark Temperatura di fusione

    109 oC

    Quark H2O Solubilita

    3,5 mg / L

    Quark Stato


    Quark LogP


    Quark Forme di dosaggio


    Quark Indicazione

    Per i diuretici e digitale nello scompenso cardiaco congestizio come terapia aggiuntiva e per l'uso in profilassi in post infarto miocardico.

    Quark Farmacologia

    Ramipril è un enzima di conversione dell'angiotensina (ACE) simile a benazepril, fosinopril, e quinapril. Un profarmaco inattivo, ramipril a ramiprilato viene convertito nel fegato ed è usata per trattare ipertensione e insufficienza cardiaca, di ridurre la proteinuria e la malattia renale in pazienti affetti da nefropatie, e per prevenire l'ictus, infarto miocardico e morte cardiaca nei pazienti ad alto rischio.

    Quark Assorbimento

    Il grado di assorbimento è almeno del 50-60% e non è significativamente influenzato dalla presenza di cibo nel tratto GI, anche se il tasso di assorbimento si riduce.

    Quark Tossicita

    Le più probabili manifestazioni cliniche sarebbero sintomi attribuibili ad ipotensione. LD50 = 10933 mg / kg (per via orale nei topi).

    Quark Informazioni paziente

    Pregnancy: Female patients of childbearing age should be told about the consequences of second- and third-trimester exposure to ACE inhibitors, and they should also be told that these consequences do not appear to have resulted from intrauterine ACE-inhibitor exposure that has been limited to the first trimester. These patients should be asked to report pregnancies to their physicians as soon as possible.

    Angioedema: Angioedema, including laryngeal edema, can occur with treatment with ACE inhibitors, especially following the first dose. Patients should be so advised and told to report immediately any signs or symptoms suggesting angioedema (swelling of face, eyes, lips, or tongue, or difficulty in breathing) and to take no more drug until they have consulted with the prescribing physician.

    Symptomatic Hypotension: Patients should be cautioned that lightheadedness can occur, especially during the first days of therapy, and it should be reported. Patients should be told that if syncope occurs, ramipril should be discontinued until the physician has been consulted.

    All patients should be cautioned that inadequate fluid intake or excessive perspiration, diarrhea, or vomiting can lead to an excessive fall in blood pressure, with the same consequences of lightheadedness and possible syncope.

    Hyperkalemia: Patients should be told not to use salt substitutes containing potassium without consulting their physician.

    Neutropenia: Patients should be told to promptly report any indication of infection (e.g., sore throat, fever), which could be a sign of neutropenia.

    Quark Atto interessato organismi

    Gli esseri umani e altri mammiferi