Polymyxin B Sulfate en es it fr

Polymyxin B Sulfate Brand names, Polymyxin B Sulfate Analogs

Polymyxin B Sulfate Brand Names Mixture

  • Phospholine Iodide Pws 3mg/5ml (Diluent + Echothiophate Iodide)

Polymyxin B Sulfate Chemical_Formula


Polymyxin B Sulfate RX_link


Polymyxin B Sulfate fda sheet

Polymyxin_B_Sulfate FDA

Polymyxin B Sulfate msds (material safety sheet)

Polymyxin_B_Sulfate MSDS

Polymyxin B Sulfate Synthesis Reference

No information avaliable

Polymyxin B Sulfate Molecular Weight

178.271 g/mol

Polymyxin B Sulfate Melting Point

18 oC

Polymyxin B Sulfate H2O Solubility

124 mg/L

Polymyxin B Sulfate State


Polymyxin B Sulfate LogP


Polymyxin B Sulfate Dosage Forms

Emulsion; Liquid; Solution

Polymyxin B Sulfate Indication

Used for both induction and/or maintenance of anesthesia.

Polymyxin B Sulfate Pharmacology

Propofol a sedative-hypnotic agent for use in the induction and maintenance of anesthesia or sedation. Intravenous injection of a therapeutic dose of propofol produces hypnosis rapidly with minimal excitation, usually within 40 seconds from the start of an injection (the time for one arm-brain circulation).

Polymyxin B Sulfate Absorption

No information avaliable

Polymyxin B Sulfate side effects and Toxicity

No information avaliable

Polymyxin B Sulfate Patient Information

No information avaliable

Polymyxin B Sulfate Organisms Affected

Humans and other mammals