Eloxatin en es it fr

Eloxatin Brand names, Eloxatin Analogs

Eloxatin Brand Names Mixture

  • No information avaliable

Eloxatin Chemical_Formula


Eloxatin RX_link


Eloxatin fda sheet

Eloxatin FDA

Eloxatin msds (material safety sheet)

Eloxatin MSDS

Eloxatin Synthesis Reference

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Eloxatin Molecular Weight

395.27 g/mol

Eloxatin Melting Point

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Eloxatin H2O Solubility

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Eloxatin State


Eloxatin LogP

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Eloxatin Dosage Forms

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Eloxatin Indication

For the treatment of malignant neoplasm of colon, rectum, and ovary

Eloxatin Pharmacology

Oxaliplatin selectively inhibits the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The guanine and cytosine content correlates with the degree of Oxaliplatin-induced cross-linking. At high concentrations of the drug, cellular RNA and protein synthesis are also suppressed.

Eloxatin Absorption

No information avaliable

Eloxatin side effects and Toxicity

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Eloxatin Patient Information

Patients and patientsí caregivers should be informed of the expected side effects of ELOXATIN, particularly its neurologic effects, both the acute, reversible effects, and the persistent neurosensory toxicity. Patients should be informed that the acute neurosensory toxicity may be precipitated or exacerbated by exposure to cold or cold objects. Patients should be instructed to avoid cold drinks, use of ice, and should cover exposed skin prior to exposure to cold temperature or cold objects.

Patients must be adequately informed of the risk of low blood cell counts and instructed to contact their physician immediately should fever, particularly if associated with persistent diarrhea, or evidence of infection develop.

Patients should be instructed to contact their physician if persistent vomiting, diarrhea, signs of dehydration, cough or breathing difficulties occur, or signs of allergic reaction appear.

Eloxatin Organisms Affected

Humans and other mammals