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Bentoquatam Brand names, Bentoquatam Analogs

Bentoquatam Brand Names Mixture

  • No information avaliable

Bentoquatam Chemical_Formula


Bentoquatam RX_link

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Bentoquatam fda sheet

Bentoquatam msds (material safety sheet)

Bentoquatam MSDS

Bentoquatam Synthesis Reference

No information avaliable

Bentoquatam Molecular Weight

180.061 g/mol

Bentoquatam Melting Point

No information avaliable

Bentoquatam H2O Solubility


Bentoquatam State


Bentoquatam LogP

No information avaliable

Bentoquatam Dosage Forms

Topical lotion (5%)

Bentoquatam Indication

Used to prevent or reduce the severity of allergic contact dermatitis due to urushiol, the allergenic resin of poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac.

Bentoquatam Pharmacology

Bentoquatam protects the skin like a shield against poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac by physically blocking skin contact with their resin. The best protection against getting these conditions is to avoid contact with these plants. This medicine does not dry oozing and weeping caused by the rash of poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac.

Bentoquatam Absorption

No information avaliable

Bentoquatam side effects and Toxicity

Rare side effects include mild erythema (mild redness of skin).

Bentoquatam Patient Information

Bentoquatam Organisms Affected

Humans and other mammals