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Lergine Marchi, Lergine Analoghi

Lergine Marchi miscela

  • No information avaliable
  • Lergine Formula chimica


    Lergine RX link

    No information avaliable

    Lergine FDA foglio

    Lergine DMS (foglio di materiale di sicurezza)

    Lergine Sintesi di riferimento

    Adamson, US Pat. 2.891.890 (1959 a Burroughs Wellcome)

    Lergine Peso molecolare

    287.44 g/mol

    Lergine Temperatura di fusione

    86 oC

    Lergine H2O Solubilita

    Moderatamente solubile in acqua, ~ 30 mg / ml

    Lergine Stato


    Lergine LogP


    Lergine Forme di dosaggio

    Tablet; Elixir

    Lergine Indicazione

    Per il trattamento della malattia di Parkinson (soprattutto indotto da farmaci)

    Lergine Farmacologia

    Procyclidine ha un atropina-come azione. I suoi effetti antispasmodico si pensa siano correlati al blocco del centro di recettori colinergici M1, M2 e M4. E 'utilizzato per il trattamento sintomatico parkinsonismo e disfunzione extrapiramidale causata da farmaci antipsicotici.

    Lergine Assorbimento

    Nessuna informazione disponibile

    Lergine Tossicita

    LD50 = 60 mg / kg (IV nei topi)

    Lergine Informazioni paziente

    Patient Information:

    Follow your doctors instructions for taking this medicine. This medicine can be taken with food or a snack,
    to minimize stomach upset. As your body becomes used to the medicine, it should be taken on an empty
    stomach. Talk to your doctor about the best time of day to take the medicine. For patients taking the
    extended-release forms, swallow the tablet whole, do NOT CRUSH or CHEW. You may break the tablet in half
    if the whole pill is too large for you to take.

    This medicine can cause dizziness or drowsiness. Be cautious when driving or performing other hazardous
    activities. This medicine can impair judgment. Do NOT increase your dose of this medicine without first
    talking to your doctor, even if you feel that the medicine is not working.

    Discuss the risks and benefits of using this medicine during pregnancy. It is unknown whether this medicine
    is excreted in breast milk. DO NOT breastfeed while taking this medicine until you have talked to your
    doctor or pediatrician.

    Lergine Atto interessato organismi

    Gli esseri umani e altri mammiferi