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Roxithromycin Brand names, Roxithromycin Analogs

Roxithromycin Brand Names Mixture

  • No information avaliable

Roxithromycin Chemical_Formula


Roxithromycin RX_link

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Roxithromycin fda sheet

Roxithromycin msds (material safety sheet)

Roxithromycin Synthesis Reference

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Roxithromycin Molecular Weight

837.047 g/mol

Roxithromycin Melting Point

No information avaliable

Roxithromycin H2O Solubility

0.0189 mg/L at 25 oC (SRC PhysProp estimated -- MEYLAN,WM et al. (1996))

Roxithromycin State


Roxithromycin LogP


Roxithromycin Dosage Forms

Tablets; Oral suspension

Roxithromycin Indication

Used to treat respiratory tract, urinary and soft tissue infections.

Roxithromycin Pharmacology

Roxithromycin is a semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic. It is very similar in composition, chemical structure and mechanism of action to erythromycin, azithromycin, or clarithromycin. Roxithromycin has the following antibacterial spectrum in vitro: Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus), Neisseria meningitides (Meningococcus), Listeria monocytogenes, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Legionella pneumophila, Helicobacter (Campylobacter), Gardnerella vaginalis, Bordetella pertussis, Moraxella catarrhalis (Branhamella Catarrhalis), and Haemophilus ducreyi. Roxithromycin is highly concentrated in polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages, achieving intracellular concentrations greater than those outside the cell. Roxithromycin enhances the adhesive and chemotactic functions of these cells which in the presence of infection produce phagocytosis and bacterial lysis. Roxithromycin also possesses intracellular bactericidal activity.

Roxithromycin Absorption

Very rapidly absorbed and diffused into most tissues and phagocytes.

Roxithromycin side effects and Toxicity

Most common side-effects are gastrointestinal; diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting. Less common side-effects include headaches, rashes, abnormal liver function values and alteration in senses of smell and taste.

Roxithromycin Patient Information

Roxithromycin Organisms Affected

Enteric bacteria and other eubacteria