Nalbufina [DCIT] en es it fr

Nalbufina [DCIT] Brand names, Nalbufina [DCIT] Analogs

Nalbufina [DCIT] Brand Names Mixture

  • No information avaliable

Nalbufina [DCIT] Chemical_Formula


Nalbufina [DCIT] RX_link

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Nalbufina [DCIT] fda sheet

Nalbufina [DCIT] msds (material safety sheet)

Nalbufina [DCIT] Synthesis Reference

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Nalbufina [DCIT] Molecular Weight

465.56 g/mol

Nalbufina [DCIT] Melting Point

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Nalbufina [DCIT] H2O Solubility

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Nalbufina [DCIT] State

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Nalbufina [DCIT] LogP

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Nalbufina [DCIT] Dosage Forms

Gel; Lotion; Solution (ampules containing 0.25 mL, 5 ampules to a box, requiring refrigeration for long-term storage)

Nalbufina [DCIT] Indication

For use as a adjunct in assessing the risk of administering penicillin (benzylpenicillin or penicillin G).

Nalbufina [DCIT] Pharmacology

Benylpenicilloyl polylysine is penicilloyl bound to polylysine and is considered to be the major determinant of penicillin metabolism; it is used as a skin-testing reagent to detect immunoglobulin E antibodies in people with a history of penicillin allergy. If skin testing using benzylpenicilloyl and penicillin G (as the sole source of minor determinants) is negative, approximately 97% of patients with a negative skin test will tolerate penicillin.

Nalbufina [DCIT] Absorption

No information avaliable

Nalbufina [DCIT] side effects and Toxicity

Symptoms of overdose include urticaria, generalized pruritus, local swelling, generalized flushing, anaphylaxis, bronchospasm, fainting and maculopapular eruption.

Nalbufina [DCIT] Patient Information

No information avaliable

Nalbufina [DCIT] Organisms Affected

Humans and other mammals