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Melitoxin Brand names, Melitoxin Analogs

Melitoxin Brand Names Mixture

  • No information avaliable

Melitoxin Chemical_Formula


Melitoxin RX_link

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Melitoxin fda sheet

Melitoxin msds (material safety sheet)

Melitoxin MSDS

Melitoxin Synthesis Reference

Bikova N., et al. Farmatsiia (Sofia). 1954 Jan-Feb;4(1):23-6.

Melitoxin Molecular Weight

336.295 g/mol

Melitoxin Melting Point

290 oC

Melitoxin H2O Solubility

128 mg/L

Melitoxin State


Melitoxin LogP


Melitoxin Dosage Forms

No information avaliable

Melitoxin Indication

For decreasing blood clotting

Melitoxin Pharmacology

Dicumarol is an coumarin-like compound found in sweet clover. It is used as an oral anticoagulant and acts by inhibiting the hepatic synthesis of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors (prothrombin and factors VII, IX, and X). It is also used in biochemical experiments as an inhibitor of reductases.

Melitoxin Absorption

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Melitoxin side effects and Toxicity

LD50=233 mg/kg (orally in mice); LD50=250 mg/kg (orally in rats)

Melitoxin Patient Information

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Melitoxin Organisms Affected

Humans and other mammals